Thirty Two

452 16 45

32 and 33 happen at the same time, just from different POVs


Harry Styles

"You missed a lot of shit here!"

I bring the glass of dark liquor up to my lips. "So I've been told," I mumble, taking a sip of my drink. The music is loud around us, and the burning sensation of the alcohol floats down my throat.

I let my eyes peer around the familiar bar, one that I found myself being in a lot during my time back in London. All of my coworkers are swarmed around me, all of us sitting at a booth alongside the back wall of the bar. I get a sense of nostalgia from being back here, surrounded by the people I spent a lot of my time with.

I take another sip of my drink.

All of the guys around me are lost in conversation, trying their best to shout over the loud music so they can hear one another. "The girls said they would be joining us," Oliver says, looking down at his watch, "Not sure when."

I nod my head, taking the final sip of my drink, swallowing it, and set my glass down. I let my finger swirl over the top of the rim, staring down at the empty glass for a moment.

Something about being here feels off.

"I'm going to get another," I say, picking up my glass and slightly shaking it as I scoot my way off the bench, "I'll be back."

"Styles is getting drunk tonight!" I hear one of the guys shout, but I'm not sure who; my attention is already set on the bar. I shove my way through the small crowd of people and find an open spot at the bartop.

I place my now empty glass on the counter, propping my elbows on the wooden counter. The bartender quickly makes his way over to me, grabbing my glass as I ask him for a refill of the whiskey in my cup.

He steps away from me with a nod, and with that, I'm left alone. I reach into my back pocket of my jeans, pulling out my phone. I open it, pulling up my messages with Ella. I smile at the last conversation between the two of us, just Ella telling me to be smart tonight and me promising her that I would be.

I quickly type out a message to her as the bartender comes back with my drink. I shove my phone into my pocket, thanking the bartender, who nods as I head back to the table.

My eyes land on a few more people at the table, taking note of the fact that the girls have now joined us. I spot Ava sitting where I previously was, laughing at whatever Noah is talking to her about. I walk up to the table, some people's attention being brought to me.

"Harry!" A voice shouts, and I turn my head to see Isla.

I smile as she walks up to me, wrapping me in a hug. I wrap my free hand around her, "Hi, Isla."

She steps back from the hug, "How are you?"

"I'm good," I say, taking a sip of my drink, "How are you?"

"Oh," She scoffs, "Could be better. Noah is driving me up a wall."

"You and me both."

She laughs at our shared annoyance, turning back around to join our group of friends at the table. I step up to the table, leaning against the side of the bench that my friends sit at.

"No shit," Ayla says, her focus moving from the conversation she was having to me, "Is that Harry?"

I lift my drink up, nodding my head slightly. She lets out a laugh, "What the fuck?"

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