Twenty Seven*

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Harry Styles

I shut my phone off and toss it down on the bed beside me. I throw my hands up to cover my face, groaning as I lay flat on my bed.

I've been stuck in this same place for the past two hours, not having anything to do except sit here. I've exhausted my desire to scroll through practically every social media app on my phone.

I sit upright, propping my hands behind me to hold myself up, staring at the wall in front of me.

"That's it. I miss her." I say to myself, scooting off the edge of the bed and standing up. I walk over to my dresser, grab a pair of socks, and pull them onto my feet. I shut the light off in my bedroom, head out into the living room, search for my keys, and put my shoes on.

I make my movements quick, not sure if I could survive another minute without being with Ella. I assume she's working right now, as she sent me a text about an hour into my lonely night about how she was staring at her computer screen with an empty mind, but I haven't heard from her since.

I practically run down the stairs of my apartment complex and into the lobby, pushing the front doors open and going to my car. I start the engine, pulling out of the space and onto the road in what feels like the blink of an eye. I've never had such a strong desire to be in someone's presence like I do right now, but something about being around Ella makes me feel sane.

I sat alone in my room, losing my mind, so I need some sanity and some Ella.

Before I know it, I'm parking my car outside Ella's apartment complex. I climb out of the car, walking towards the front doors, and stepping into the lobby.

"Harry, nice to see you again," The receptionist at the front says to me. I find it funny that the receptionist, Lila, has seen me here so many times that she's learned me by name. She's always been a kind girl, saying hello and goodbye to Ella and I in passing.

I give her a nod, a light smile creeping onto my face, "Lila, lovely to see you again."

"She came down once to pick up food, but I haven't seen her since. Go save her, the poor girl." She tells me with a laugh.

I reciprocate the laugh, "That's my plan. Thank you, Lila, have a good night."

"You two as well," She says, giving me a wave goodbye.

I head over to the elevator, pressing the call button to the elevator and waiting to hear the ding. The doors open to an empty car, and I step inside, pressing the number button to bring me to her floor. A short ride later, the doors open, and I'm walking to her door, stopping right in front of the door.

I raise my hand up, resting two knocks on Ella's front door, then taking a step back while I wait for some sort of signal from her.

I hear her faint voice through the door, "Come in."

I smile, reaching for the handle and pushing the door open. My eyes instantly fly around the room to find her, eventually seeing her sitting at her kitchen table, her laptop screen shining onto her face.

I can't help but notice her features aren't what they usually are. She seems tired. Her eyes feel heavy, her hands are threaded through the roots of her hair, and her head rests heavily in their palms. I can tell she's exhausted.

It sends a pang through my chest seeing her like this. All stressed out because of work simply because I know that's how I must've looked all those months ago. It hurts to see her like this now, and it hurts me to know that this is how she saw me.

Her lips, however, curve into a smile the second she makes eye contact with me.

"I didn't even tell you I was coming over. Why did you tell me to come in?" I laugh, kicking off my shoes as I close the door behind me.

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