Twenty One

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2 months later...

Ella Frazier

I'm an aunt.

Mia had the baby about three weeks ago. A little girl. Around seven pounds and about twenty inches. She's the most precious thing I've ever seen.

Wyatt and I were there for the birth. Mia was strong, I've never seen her go through something like this, but it was beautiful. I've never been more proud of her for bringing such a beautiful little girl into the world.

All of this made me wake up feeling good today.

I rolled out of bed, deciding that I wanted to bother my family. I got ready quickly and practically ran out to my car, which is where I am now, on my way to Mia and Wyatt's house.

I've spent much of my time here in the last few weeks. I've been enjoying the company of Mia and Wyatt, as well as little Piper now. I also think that a part of Mia and Wyatt are thankful for me stopping by all the time. I can see on their faces that they are tired, so I'll come over to watch Piper while they go and catch up on their sleep.

Once I pull into their driveway, I put my car in park with a wide smile as I step out of the car. My attention is moved to a black car sitting in the driveway, one I've never seen before. I brush it off, thinking that it might be a member of Wyatt's family who came to see the baby or maybe even a coworker. I skip my way to the door, twisting the handle and pushing it open. I walk inside; my eyes focused on my shoes as I kick them off.

"Aunt El is here," I say, pushing my shoes out of the way from the door, "Let me see the little shit."

I lift my head, spinning on my heels to face the living room couch. My eyes land on an unexpected sight, my heart dropping once I register it. On the side chair sits the same brown-haired boy I watched walk out of my life seven months ago, holding my niece.

My breathing hitches for a moment, my heart instantly picking up speed. Everyone's attention is shifted to me, but my eyes focus on Harry. He looks good; it is all that my brain can muster up.

My eyes rake him up and down, taking in the sight of someone who I haven't seen in what feels like years. I think his hair is longer. I say this because, although his hair is tied up, it's up higher on his head than it would be when we were together, leading me to believe that his hair is grown out more.

Next, my eyes meet his, and I get that feeling again for a moment. The one where it feels like I got the wind knocked out of me. He still has those sweet green eyes, ones that I would go to for comfort, and maybe I still do, because right now, I can't shake the feeling of being okay.

"Hi, everyone," I speak out, snapping myself from my focus as I begin to make my way over to the couch to join them, "How are we all doing?"

"Good," Mia says as I sit down beside her. She leans over to give me a hug, "I didn't know you were coming, or I would've said something."

I pull out of the hug, giving her a light smile, "It's okay. My fault for showing up unannounced, I guess."

She gives me a half smile, a look on her face that I can't decipher. Maybe apologetic for not saying something to me about Harry being back. Possibly fear, worried about what this will do to me.

I slap my hands against my thighs, running them up and down, "Can I hold her?"

I turn my head to Harry, whose eyes are already on me. "Yeah," he says, standing up from his seat and slowly walking over to me. I fix my arms so I can hold Piper correctly as Harry lowers her into my hold. The second he's close to me, I catch the refreshing smell of his cologne. He sets Piper into my hold, his arms grazing mine, leaving me with goosebumps.

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