[3] Battousai Released!

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"Turn me back into the Manslayer?" Kenshin asked, a bit surprised. "And how do you intend to do that?"

"I've done my research. I know what to do." Sena replied. "Your Hiten Mitsorugi Style is useless against my Rikuni no Sariki Style!"

"I will never return to being a manslayer, that I won't." Kenshin replied to his threat. He sheathed his sword.

"He's going to draw his sword from the sheath in one swing, making it even more fast and powerful!" Yahiko whispered to Kaoru as they watched the fighters.

  Sena smiled. He ran towards Kenshin and swung his sword out at him. But Kenshin was gone. He was behind him.

  "So, will you use your godlike speed to just run and dodge forever? I don't tire easily. And I will not stop coming at you until one of us is dead." Sena asked, sneering. But his gaze moved to Kaoru, Sano, Miss Megumi, and Yahiko. He strode over to them.

  "Wha... What are you... Hey!" Kenshin shouted to his father. He ran to stop him, but Sena hit him with the hilt of his sword, causing him to fall back.

  Yahiko suddenly ran out in front of the group, his bamboo sword shaking. "Don't come any closer!" He shouted, but Sena chuckled.

  "You amuse me, Yahiko." Sena said, delighted with the expression on Yahiko's face.

  "How do you know me?" Yahiko asked, frightened. He wanted to turn back, hide behind Sano and Kaoru. But his pride kept him from it. This man murdered his father!

  "I remember all who are killed by my blade." Sena replied. "But it seems you are not dead. Oh well, you will be soon enough." He drew his blade and pointed it at the child.

  "No!" Kenshin shouted, getting up from the hard ground. "You all! Run back to the dojo! I will meet you there shortly after!"

  "But Kenshin!" Kaoru yelled back. "We can't ju..." She then stopped speaking. Sena's blade was through her chest. She collapsed and fell to the ground.

  "Kaoru!" Miss Megumi shouted, dashing over to her friend.

  "Oh my god!" Sano yelled, rushing over as well.

  Yahiko was left, staring at Sena. The manslayer had an evil grin on his face.

  "M... Miss Kaoru..." Yahiko whispered, running over to join Sano and Miss Megumi.

  "Bring me to that tree." Kaoru opened her eyes weakly and spoke softly. "We can't leave Kenshin."

  "Do you even have a CLUE of how bad you're hurt?!" Sano shouted at her.

  "Miss Megumi can patch me up. She is a doctor, after all." Kaoru replied. "Let's go. Quickly."

  Sena looked at his son, and at his friends. They were talking amongst themselves, and by the looks of it, the wench was dead. And it looked like Kenshin knew it. His red bangs covered his face, and his mouth was twisted into a snarl.

  "Oh, sad because your little girlfriend is dead? Too bad, you could've stopped me when you had the chance." Sena  grinned at Kenshin.

  But inside Kenshin's mind, something was happening. Kenshin could feel his consciousness drifting, but his vision did not blur. He did not fall. He then knew. His Swordsman Spirit. It was drifting off. "What is happening?" Kenshin thought, but it made itself known.

  Kenshin suddenly felt another Swordsman Spirit. And a very strong one. "Whose Swordsman Spirit is this? It is stronger than me and Sena, that it is!" It then hit him. The Swordsman Spirit coming from deep inside him... Was that of Battousai the Manslayer.

  "No..." Kenshin groaned, falling to his hands and knees. "No... You can't... No..."

  "Are you giving up already?" Sena asked, delighted. "If you surrender, I'll kill you quickly. Almost painless!"

  Kenshin stood up. Sena's eyes widened. "Y... Your Swordsman Spirit... It's huge! But how is this possible?!"

  "Something's going on, guys." Sano proclaimed to the group worriedly. "Kenshin's Swordsman Spirit is huge!"

  "What happened?" Asked Miss Megumi.

  "Oh no... It can't be..." Yahiko replied, eyes widening.

  "What is going on?!" Sens shouted to Kenshin.

  Kenshin began to walk towards him. He walked faster and faster, breaking into a run. He drew his sword at the speed of light it seemed... And slashed Sena straight through the heart.

  "Battousai the Manslayer..." Sena said with his dying breath, and collapsed, dead.

  "The Battousai has awakened inside Kenshin! Look at his eyes!" Shouted Yahiko.

  Unlike their normal violet color, Kenshin's eyes were pure gold colored. They then closed, and Kenshin flopped to the ground.

  Kaoru, wrapped in bandages, ran to the fallen Kenshin and shook his shoulders.

  "Oro-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!!!" Kenshin shouted as Kaoru shook him.

  "You're back!" Kaoru yelled as  she flung her arms around him in a tight hug.

  "Don't worry, the Battousai is safely locked away at the bottom of my soul. He will never return." Kenshin reassured Kaoru.

  But Sano looked into Kenshin's eyes. He saw guilt, fear, and... Bloodlust. He was lying. The Battousai was right there, trying to take over when the time was right. And Sano was going to find out everything from Kenshin.

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