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"Y/n?" Chan's voice echoed through your ears. You then snapped back.

"Are you going to give him an answer?" Minho says.

You look at Hyunjin then back at the seven boys whose eyes were all on you. Your voice was shaky. You took a deep breath and turned back to Hyunjin.

"What do you say Y/n? Spend the rest of your life with me?" He smiles at you nervously.

"Yes!" You answered. All the boys cheered and Hyunjin stood up and put the ring on you with a big smile on his face. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in for a sweet kiss.

"The cutest couple ever? I think so!" Changbin shouted. You laughed as all the boys were now being loud and chaotic.

"I love you." Hyunjin kissed your forehead.

"I love you too." He then cupped your cheeks and connected your lips once again.


It has been three months since your engagement with Hyunjin. Chan was helping out a lot . He was mainly helping you look at dresses. You were grateful for Chan because he's always been there if you needed anything. He was always willing to help. But after a while of searching for a dress you finally made your decision on one that really caught your eye and that you really loved.

"Oh Y/n you're up." Minho greeted you as you walked out of your room.

"Morning to you too." You smiled.

"Chan said to tell you that your dress will be ready to pick up later." Minho says. You nod your head and look around the dorm. You noticed everyone else was gone.

"Where is everyone?" You questioned.

"Chan, Changbin, and Jisung are at the studio." Minho says. "Then the rest of them are out somewhere."

"Wow." you huffed. "My own fiancé left me here by myself." You then turned back to look at Minho again. "How come you aren't with the others?"

"Didn't want to go." Minho shrugs.

"Oh." You answered. "Wait, don't you have practice?"

"Yeah, later." Minho answered.

You started making your way back into your room until Minho called out your name.


"Yeah?" You looked back at him.

"I'll take you to pick up your dress." Minho says.

"Oh you don't have to. I can go by myself." You say.

"Don't argue with me, I'm taking you."

You nodded at him and made your way inside your room.


"Y/n!" Minho shouted. "Let's go!"

"Alright, alright! I'm coming." You quickly slipped on your shoes and went to the front door where Minho was standing waiting for you.

"Took you long enough."  He says. You rolled your eyes at him. "Let's hope you won't be late to your wedding."

You both went out of the dorm and locked the door behind you.

"Hey!" You ran up behind him. You both got into the car and Minho started driving off.

You were both headed to the mall since that is where the dress was at. Chan was the one who had helped you find this dress. As you arrived you both got out of the car and headed inside the mall. You quickly found your way to the store where your dress was located.

I'm Not Like Him | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now