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For the past week you, Yuna, and Hyunjin had to attend court. Chan was the one who helped you and Yuna get lawyers. You and Yuna wanted to press charges against Adrian. Some of the people from the park attend the court trial as witnesses. They showed the police officers and Judge the videos they took and they were used as evidence. You and Yuna were known as the victims and Adrian was the defendant.

The scars and bruises on you and Yuna were also used as evidence. Chan, Minho, Han, and Felix also attended the days of the trial. On the last day of the trial Adrian was found guilty which didn't shock any of you. He would have to serve ten years in prison. 

As Adrian was being taken out of the courtroom you could feel his eyes boiling on you. You couldn't even bother to look him in the eye or at him just in general. Either could Yuna. When everyone else left the courtroom Yuna was already gone. You wanted to speak to her but unfortunately she was long gone.

On the first day of the trial she had apologized to you for slapping you. She felt guilty not knowing Adrian had also abused you. You knew she wasn't going to be the same after this but neither were you. Luckily you had Hyunjjn and the members to help you get through this.

"Are you okay?" Hyunjin asks as you were both waiting for Chan, Minho, Han, and Felix outside of the courthouse.

"Yeah. I'm actually okay. I will be now for as long as he stays behind bars. But I don't even want to think about him anymore."

"Well you don't have to. He won't do anything ever again."


For the next two months as you as Hyunjjn were finishing up planning your wedding you were also getting the help you needed from after everything that happened with Adrian. He never crossed your mind ever again. It was like he never even existed to you. Although the scars on you would sometimes make you remember you tried your best to make those horrible memories go away.

As it got closer and closer to your wedding you were starting to get really nervous. It never crossed your mind that you wouldn't have anyone to walk you down the aisle. You never spoke about your parents at all.


"Can you please just understand!" You shout.

You were arguing with your parents about leaving to go to Korea. You have lived in America for your whole life and you wanted to chase your dreams by going out to Korea. You wanted to explore what it's like out there. You had wanted to do this since you were a little kid. You promised yourself once you finished high school and were old enough you would fly out there.

As you were telling your parents about this they weren't very happy about you leaving. They didn't want their only daughter and child leaving to go outside of the country by herself.

"Y/n, we're just trying to explain how we think you aren't ready for something like this. You've never been outside the country like this before." Your mom says.

"We're just trying to look out for you, honey. We understand why you want to go so badly but maybe you should just stay a little bit longer-"

"Why?! I've been wanting to do this since I was a kid! Can't I do what I want?"

"Yes, but honey we aren't trying to stop you it's just-"

"Please. Mom. Dad. Let me go. If anything happens I swear I will come straight back home. No hesitation."

Your parents look at you who is tearing up as your voice cracked. They then look at each other and nod slowly. They turn their attention back to you and smile.

"Do whatever makes you happy Y/n, dear. We will support you no matter what."

When you left America for Korea it was the best day ever. You had the best time exploring. You ended up getting a place of your own. Your parents were supportive of that too. They missed you but they knew this was your dream. After living in Korea for about a year your parents were trying to get you to come home. During this time this is when you had gotten into a relationship with Adrian and started to realize how abusive he was. You couldn't go back home. Adrian threatened to hurt your parents if you did.

I'm Not Like Him | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now