why me?

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(author's pov)

It had been a month and tubbo and ranboo had started dating. but all good things must come to an end. time won't freeze for someone's happiness. nothing stays the same for long, you can ignore the clock but time will never leave you alone for long.

(tommy's pov)

"Schlatt, pardon my tongue but we cannot find them. have you thought about the fact that they may not want to be found" techno said in a bow

"nonsense, don't burden my ear's with such word's. or do you want your other brother to end up with wilber?" schlatt said with a smile

my oldest brother had been sent to the dungeon two weeks before for failing a mission

"no sir" techno gritted his teeth

"you are dismissed" schlatt waved him off

tchno saluted and marched out in a lone step

"he won't listen damn it" he said grabbing my arm

"techno are we going to ever see wil again?" i asked

"i hope so"

(ranboo's pov)

"BOO" tubbo jumped out from behind a corner

ranboo's song just came on help-

"yes bee?" i asked knowing full well he was trying to startle me

"oh come on" he whined

it had become a game for him to scare me

"sorry bee, not this time" i said

a guard burst in the hall

"the barrier- down" he said in a huff

"w-what, why" tubbo asked

"a war inposing kingdom" the guard said and promptly passed out, he had lost a lot of blood

"he needs a medic" tubbo said attempting to pick up the guard

"lucky him" i went over to the guard and checked his pulse

"what are you- is that the sir thing" tubbo asked

"mhm, go to the nurse he's fine but i need to patch the wound"

"on it" he sprinted to the nurses ward and came back with enough medical supplies to take care of a whole ward of bleeding people "is this enough? i wasn't sure what to grab so i grabbed some of everything i could reach"

"that more than good tubbo"

I grabbed disinfectant bandages and gauze. i just got done when "they" ran in

"there he is" a soldier yelled

"shit-" tubbo murmured

"sorry" i said to the passed out guard, grabbed tubbo's arm and teleported out of the castle

"hello, beast" i was met with a sword "let go of my damn son you bitch" king schlatt said

I tried to let go of his arm, but I couldn't teleport again. Healing the guard took all of my energy. but tubbo grabbed me

"no" he said

"tubbo, what are you doing!?" i asked urgently

"what did you say to me son" the king asked clearly pissed

"i said no, and i'm not you're fucking son you bitch"

"tubbo i'm at sword point" i said but he ether didn't hear me or refused the implied request of letting go of my arm

"guard's" the king called and my world went black.

466 words

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