water droplet's

212 11 25

tw: techno violence, dicription's of torture/ violence, angst

(tubbo's pov)

"fucking let go of me" i screamed fighting a guard trying to get to ranboo than i felt a sharp pain and everything went black


"Techno, did you need to hit him over the head so hard?" a far away sounding voice asked

"it had to look convincing!" another voice argued

"this is more than just looking convincing" voice #1 said

"children stop quarreling, he's waking up" a 3rd voice said and voices #1 and #2 quieted

i struggled to open my eyes a second and than a pure white light shined in them

"where-?" i asked to the blurry figure's that i assumed were voice's 1 2 and 3

"home" voice 2 said grimly

i sat up and remembered

"ranboo" i yelled frantically trying to get up

"i told you this would happen" techno said grabbed my arm "stop" he commanded

Call me weak but known for being a violent prince grabbing your arm and telling you to halt, no matter what you have been through, you're going to do what he says.

"but ranboo" i said sitting down

"we will get him" phil confirmed

"how" i asked

"that's a good question" nikki said walking in

"miss. nikki!" said getting up to hug her

"mhm" she hugged me back

"we need to get wil and ranboo out of the dungeon" phil said

"wil's in the dongon?!"

"sadly yes" techno said

(ranboo's pov)

"i swear i didn't force him to do anything" i said for the millionth time

"i don't believe you, start telling the truth or things will get more painful for you" the king said

"I'm telling the truth!"

"hmm, let's see if your tongue will be more free after an hour" he said walking out

"hello" a man in a biennie walked in and said.

"hello" i responded

"I'm here to 'free' your tongue, ranboo is your name correct?" he asked


"no one can hear you and if they can they don't care, screaming is pointless" he said smiling

"wha-" i started but a searing pain stopped me

"i will keep doing this drop by drop until you feel like talking" the man said still grinning

another water drop hit my face and i screamed


an hour this went on, and as he promised one droplet at a time, i had screamed myself hoarse

I could barely breathe, I couldn't move, I was shaking from pain.

After what I assume was 30 minutes a tray of food and a glass of milk was put in my shell and I started getting feeling back into my body inched towards the tray. stale bread and cheese, but who was i to complain food is food. i ate and than i saw it, a small window too small to teleport past but someone was on the other side

"hello?" i called to the person

"hi" he said back

"wait wilbur" said going over to the window

"mhm" he said

"But why?" i asked

"i failed a mission" he said grimly

that's when 'it' happened


(tubbo's pov)

"so the plan is" tommy said

"i drug's the food of the guards and the king" nikki said

"me and techno break into the dungeon" phil said

"i calm down wil and ranboo" i said

"and i get the cart and horses ready" tommy finished

"we have our parts down" i said

"let's go" nikki said

We waited an hour before nikki came back and told me phil and techno we were good to go.

we broke down the door to ranboo's sell to see him talking to wil

"wil is in the one next to him" phil said and ran over to get his son out

i ran over to ranboo "are you ok?"

"i'm-" he started to talk and passed out.

"tubbo" techno called my name


"look at this" he pointed to a bucket of water

"i think the hurt him for the 'truth'" he said

"i'm going to kill them" i said

"get in line." phil said looking murderous holding a starved and beat up looking wilber in his arm's

"hello" a man in a biennie came in with a axe in hand

"are you the bitch that hurt them" techno asked

"yes, and no. You hurt them too. you didn't get here soon enough" he smiled

"the voices are chanting" techno said

"oh are they?" the man laughed "what do they want?"

"well there saying and i quote 'blood for the blood god'" technoblade grabbed the first thing he could reach, a pick

"what's your name" he asked

"quackity" the man said

"well quackity the voices are craving you're blood no one else's, and i can't just deny the voices what they want" he lunged at quackity with the pick and quackity deflected it with his blade

"you're insane" quackity yelled t him "i'm a fucking savior"

"you see you're using your words... but the thing about this world is that the only universal language is VIOLENCE" techno yelled

"i have a pickaxe and i'll put it through your teeth!" he swung the pick and quackity ether passed out or died i don't know

"let's go" techno stood up and walked out.

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