get away from my enderman

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(tubbo's pov)

they burst in and techno raised his ax and commanded "let go of the prince at once beast"

"why should i?" ranboo questioned

"i will shoot you" king philza threatened

"you forget i am an enderman, i would take great pleasure in seeing you try" he led them on gesturing to a potion of blindness and letting me go

"prince tubbo get out of here" tommy yelled at me

i grabbed the potion "i'm sorry but i can't let you threaten us" and chucked it

"here" ranboo took my arm and teleported us outside where he was met with a sword to the neck.

"wil, please let him go" i pleaded

"i can't do that" he said with a grim face, i suspect that he knew i would run and not want to be found "they are out here!!" he called the other's

"tubbo!!, what did he do to you to make you do that?!" tommy ran out and asked tripping on a branch dew to the blindness potion that i threw at them

"he didn't 'do' anything to me, let us go!" i commanded

"what did you do to the prince beast" technoblade yelled at him pointing his ax to him

"nothing" the taller said

"lies!" tommy exclaimed "tell me the truth goddamn it"

"he's telling the truth dumbass" i said stepping in between the sword wielding boy and enderman

"tubbo he could hurt you" phil said trying to pull me away

"i know, but he he never has. because i haven't done anything to him"

"tubbo-" philza grabbed my arm

"don't touch him" ranboo shoved him of me

"don't you fucking dare touch the king" technoblade shouted at my beloved

"don't yell at my beloved" i screamed at him without thinking, everyone looked at me 4 mortified and ranboo smiling

"what the fuck!" tommy shoved me to the ground

"you little-" ranboo started and lunged at him

"NO!!" i think we all screamed and ranboo came to his senses "come on" he grabbed my arm and teleported away

"are you ok" he asked me as we were walking through the forest

"i'm ok, did you get hurt?" i asked worried

"no, i overreacted i'm sorry" he apologized

"if you hadn't done that you would be either dead or in prison and I would be back in the place i hate most. should be the one apologizing to you for dragging you into this'' i guiltily said

"i'm the happiest i have been since i was 5, i should be thanking you"

"ha" i laughed

"so can i have that kiss now?" he said smiling

"i'm afraid not" an arrow wizzed where ranboo had been a second ago

"tommy, don't waist arrow's" phil chided


"ehem, as i was saying i can't have you kissing the prince" wil said annoyed at there querling

"let us be" i said annoyed that they were finding us at the exact wrong moments

"so beast trying kidnapping rather than killing you're victims" technoblade asked sarcastically

"he didn't kidnap me i stayed with him, i could have left any time i wanted"

"Then why didn't you come home?" tommy asked

"maybe he didn't want to?" ranboo said pissed

"quiet beast" wil said

"i have a name" ranboo said

"beasts don't get the humanity of name's"

"he isn't a beast and call him by his name" i half shouted at him

"if you wish, what's your name beast?"


"you're coming with us" phil commanded

"phil-" i was interrupted by techno

"don't make me hurt him" he said pointing at ranboo

(technoblade pov, surprise!)

"don't make me hurt him" i pointed at the enderman by the name of ranboo

The thing is I believed tubbo, I knew the kid for most of his life, and I knew when he was being forced to say something. He was being completely honest. (i interrupt your scheduled program to say that "you spin me rite 'round" came on as i was writing this, now back to your scheduled program.)

"don't, please techno he did nothing wrong" the young prince cried

"don't test me tubbo" i said the voices saying that this was wrong, and that's when i knew i fucked up big time

"phil a word" i said as wil took my place with a sword to ranboo's neck

"phil the voices are telling me that this is wrong"

"oh shit-" he muttered "but schlatt would get other's to find them and our kingdom's would go to war" he said thinking out loud

(ranboo's pov)

"tubbo calm down" i said, a task that was surprisingly hard to do with a sword at your throat

"boo-" he called whilst being pulled away by king philza, it took a lot of self control not to teleport to him and kill all of the 4 trying to imprison us

(tubbo's pov)

"boo-" i called while being pulled away from where i was kneeling next to him crying of guilt

"tubbo we can't let you go as much as we want to, but we can require that ranboo say with us he will be treated like a normal villager rather than existed" techno explained the plan

"w-what?!, he's going to be executed" tommy said mortified

"not if he is under the crow kingdom's protection" phil reassured tommy

"tubbo would never see him again, i have a better plan" wil said coming over from his post ranboo just sitting there

"what" i asked

"you run away to the far lands, or an opposing kingdom. he wouldn't be able to do shit and neither would our kingdom."

"a good idea, but there are so many 'what if's' it's risky" phil said "we wouldn't be able to get you there"

"we could go to the ender kingdom" ranboo suggested.

"i'm fine with that" i said

"it's settled than, you start to the ender kingdom at first light"

923 words

I have seen to many that techno is like the one that turns them in so he saves them in this one :)

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