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t/w: extreme ranboo angst, mention of abuse

(tubbo's pov)

"where are we going techno" tommy asked it had been a day of seemingly endless riding

"the snow biome" he said

"uuugh" tommy groned

"guy's" i said

"not now tubbo" phil said

"GUY'S" i said more urgently

"what" techno said annoyed

"their waking up" i said pointing to the two passed out boy's with me in the carriage starting to stir

"what" techno said stopping the horse

"why didn't you tell us" tommy asked

"i-, you-. oh come on!" i said a bit pissed

"where are we?" a disheveled and half asleep ranboo asked

He now had white spots his black half, they resembled scar's

"we're going back to snowchester" technoblade said checking wil and ranboo's pulse "what are the white spot's?" he questioned helping wil unscrew the lid on his water canteen

(ranboo's pov)

oh god no, no no no no no. They can't know, what can i say.

my eye started tearing up and burning me

I can't admit I was a traitor to my own kingdom, that my father burned me with water every time I screwed up? i can't they won't trust them.

"i read something about enderman's water scar/burns being a different color, but i didn't know it could be white" tubbo said grabbing something from his bag

"Then why is half his face white?" king philza asked

"this will tell us!'' Tubbo stood up with a small vial of... something. i don't know what

"What is that?" tommy questioned

"if i drink some of it and put the rest on ranboo's 'burns' it will show me all physical trauma that caused them." he answered in a voice that was somewhere between excited and sirius

"i'll do it" techno held out his hand

"no i should" the king said blocking the warrior's hand with his own

"i'll pass, '' Tommy said, backing away. i don't think he liked me that much, and rightfully so i had attacked him only a few days before

"i was going to do it" tubbo griped the potion tighter

"to be fair, i think king philza should be the one to see my past trauma" i standing up and putting my hand on tubbo's shoulder

"but-" tubbo protested

"tubbo it's his past, so it's his choice who sees it" the king patted his head


(phil's pov)

to be honest i was surprised, why would he pick me over tubbo. unless of course he wanted tubbo not to see something, but he doesn't seem like someone to keep secret's. maybe just a regretful past?

"here" tubbo handed me the potion of a pure white liquid. I undid the cap, took a small sip and gave it back to tubbo which poured the stuff or ranboo who flinched.

"so what's going to-" i never finished that sentence i don't know if i passed out or just was standing there. but I saw thing's.

"you useless piece of shit" a enderman in royal-looking attire yelled at a small enderchild

"i'm sorry" the younger apologized

"you need to learn your lesson" the older said walking to something that looked like a tap

"father please forgive me, it was a mistake honest" the younger ran to the older that i assumed was his father

"i'm not one for forgiveness" the father said grabbing a glass and filling it with water

"father please, it won't happen again" the son pleaded looking to be on the verge of tears

"not happening isn't good enough ranboo."

what was the reason i couldn't tell you but i can say ranboo's father dumped the water on his son. of course he screamed but that seemed to make his father angrier he slapped ranboo and told him to can it

and then i woke up

to ranboo looking down

to tubbo and my children looking to me as if i held the secrets of the universe

"i'm sorry" was all i could say

"What did you see?" ranboo still looking down asked

"i believe i saw your father pouring water on your face" i answered

"oh." ranboo sounded relieved, he walked to the horses and i got the feeling that going up to him was a bad idea (it was a bad idea🎶)

"what do you mean 'your father pouring water on your face'?" tommy asked

"i mean his father poured water on a young ranboo's face"

"no, that can't be right ender medic children are taken to the palace at 5 to start training" tubbo said

"medic? in the vision he looked like a prince." i said confused

"But he's a medic?"

"i don't care what he is we need to go" techno butted in

"he's correct" wil said trying to get up

we mounted our horses wil and ranboo in the carriage and rode off

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