003 | Training

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"What the fuck do you mean? How is that possible?" I yelled down the phone. Hoseok and Taehyung stood in front of me. Taehyung put his thumb up to see if I was okay, but I showed him my thumb down.

"Jason, make your way to me right now until we figure out what the hell is going on, okay? Just get the next flight here. I'll talk to Namjoon about this. I'll speak to you soon." I ended the call in frustration. How the fuck was my brother like me?

"Where is Namjoon?" I asked, "He is back from a run. We will be going into training soon. What's wrong?" Hoseok asked.

"Jason. He turned into a wolf. I don't understand how this could have happened."

Taehyung's eyes widened, "He's finally a wolf now? Badass, I've always liked your bother, not afraid to say what he thinks."

"Finally?" I questioned.

"Taehyung now isn't the time... Indigo, he's downstairs," Hoseok said as he pushed Taehyung to walk away.

I didn't spare another second standing there as I ran downstairs, finding where my mate could be.

"Namjoon?" I yelled, racing down the last few steps. "Something's wrong!" I added.

I heard footsteps chasing my way as Namjoon appeared from the bottom bathroom with an ice pack on his neck.

I stared at him with worry. I was worried not just for Jason but what my dad would say about this.

"Tell me, what's the matter? What's happened?" He panicked, walking towards me as he grabbed my hand.

I swallowed hard staring at him, his eyes stared into mine as I struggled to let it out.

"It's Jason. He's a werewolf." I let out. Namjoon frowned as his eyes widened.

"I should've known this would happen one day." He sighed, letting go of my hand as he walked over to one of the sofa chairs.

"Males get their father's genes. It's weird, only boys can become werewolves naturally. You would have stayed human if it wasn't for me." He said mumbling the last part. I tried to take it all in but struggled to.

Either way, this would have happened to Jason if we stayed in Seoul. "I told him to come here as soon as possible. You have to help him Namjoon."

"Of course, it would pain me to see your brother struggle through this on his own, I'll teach him everything." He agreed, wrapping his arms around me.

"Now, we will talk more about this when Jason arrives, but it's time to train for now."

I nodded, running upstairs to change into some sports clothes. Once I was ready, I tied my hair up and met them all outside in the field.

I walked over to Namjoon and stood by his side as he explains today's tasks.

"Okay everyone, I want us to pair up and focus on our defence moves today. We will stay like this and train today since some of us are missing." He hinted towards Jin and Jungkook.

I felt bad for them staying up all night. I sighed, nodding my head, "They'll make it next time."

Namjoon nodded as he walked away to speak to Jimin. I looked around to see Yoongi staring at me. "Hello Indigo, are you ready to get your ass kicked?" He joked, walking towards me.

"So you want to pair up?" I smirked.

"Only if you can handle it."

"Oh, it's on." I turned to search for Namjoon as I noticed he had teamed with Jimin. He looks towards me and gives me a nod. I smile as I turned my attention back to Yoongi.

"Let the party begin," he says, charging at me.

I ducked as his arm swung at me. "Is that all you've got?"

Yoongi sighed as he was about to speak until I was tackled onto the floor, I screamed as I looked up to see Namjoon on top of me.

What the fuck.

"Next time, be aware of everyone around you. Enemies can jump out at any time." Namjoon explains as he got up from the ground, offering me his hand.

"Thanks for the heads up. Maybe I need a bit more practice." I groaned, rubbing the side of my arm dusting off the dead grass.

"Come on, let's see you and Yoongi again. This time, keep your eyes on him and listen to your surroundings."

"Show me what you've got, Indigo." Yoongi challenged. This time I was the one who was running up to him.

I took a deep breath, quickly looking around, seeing Namjoon standing with his arms crossed staring back at me.

I can do it.

Running up to Yoongi, we started to dodge each other's moves. I focused on his movements as I heard footsteps behind me. I kicked Yoongi sending him towards Taehyung.

Turning around, I noticed Jimin was now targeting me. I breathed heavily trying my best to gain my breaths back as I got into position.

Before he could attack, Namjoon let out a yell to stop. I looked at him confused as he walked up towards me.

"I think that's enough for you for one day." He says pulling me away from the pack.

"What? No! Let me fight him!" I pleaded.

Namjoon glared at them all as they all took a few steps back.

"You better go with him Indigo, it's fine, we can fight together another time," Jimin said shooing me away.

I glared back hard at Namjoon and I sped going back into the packhouse with Namjoon right behind me.

"What was that all about?" I shouted. "That was just so rude, Namjoon!"

"I don't know. I can't stand watching them touching what's not theirs." He growled walking towards me and pinned me to the wall with his hands.

"Don't tell me someone is jealous?" I smirked.

"Don't test me right now Indigo."

"But what if I wanted to?" The smirk stayed on my face as I watched Namjoon's stone-cold face flare up as his face turned red.

I searched for another emotion on his face as he looked me up and down.

"Bedroom. Now."

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