008 | A Bad Day

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"I hate her, I fucking hate her!" I stormed back home, making sure to slam the front door, causing the attention of Jin and Jungkook

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"I hate her, I fucking hate her!" I stormed back home, making sure to slam the front door, causing the attention of Jin and Jungkook

"What's wrong? Where's Namjoon and Jason?" Jin asked.

"Still in that fucked up household!" I screamed out in frustration as I walked away trying to cool myself down.

I decided to turn around and walk back out of the house. I needed to run. I needed out of this environment for a while.

Without another thought, I took off. Ignoring the pleads from Jungkook to wait, I just sprinted into the woods as fast as I could until I felt myself changing.

Gaining more speed, I felt the wind brush against my fur as I came to a stop. I went further than expected as I never recognised this part.

"Indigo! Wait!" Jungkook's yells were still echoing. Surely he never followed me all the way here, still human?

I walked towards his calls as he breathed heavily, staring down at my wolf.

"Found you," He sighed in relief.

"It's too dangerous for you to run away like that, let's go home so we can talk."

His hands slightly touched my fur. I growled, watching him take a step back.

"Stop being stubborn!" He shouted and forced me to follow him.

I walked whining as I kept my eyes on the grass. Once we made it back home, Jin was holding clothes in his hands and walked over to the bushes placing them behind so I could change back.

I ran towards the bushes and changed back. Groaning in pain, I forced myself to put the clothes on and stand up. That run didn't help at all. I was still very pissed off.

"Can you please tell us what's wrong now?" Jungkook asked, "That was the fastest I've ever seen you run." he added.

"I'm just sick of Claudia controlling everything. She's turned my dad against me and who knows, Jason will be next to hate me." I finally let out.

"She's already hurt Namjoon. She could do something again and everyone would be blinded by her. I'm tired of it. I just want Jason and Namjoon back here so we don't have to interact with them again. I'm finished." I huffed before walking upstairs.

Nobody called out for me to come back. Thankfully they let me go this time.

Pulling Namjoon's door open, I picked up one of his oversized shirts and headed towards the bathroom for a shower.

I needed my body to relax after the show today. No wonder my mum wouldn't be at least civil with them both.

I let the hot water run as I just stood there in a daydream.

I was mentally drained from finding out the problems with Namjoon and having Jason top it off with him becoming a wolf.

I could never catch a break.

I finished off my shower and switched the water off to hear footsteps behind the door.

"Indigo? Are you in here?" Namjoon asked.

"I'll be out in a second."

Suddenly the door unlocked, my eyes widened as I quickly grabbed a towel and covered it around my body watching the door open, revealing Namjoon holding in a smirk.

"Don't open it so wide. What if someone was walking past?"

"I wouldn't let them see what's mine."

I blinked, staring at him, trying my best not to give him a reaction.

He walked closer, eyeing me up and down as I rolled my eyes, "I'm not in the mood." I pushed him lightly as I sighed.

"Today has been horrible."

"I can change that." He whispered into my ear as he turned me around and grabbed me from behind, wrapping his arms around my body.

"Whatever, five minutes. That's all I'm giving you and then I have to see Jason." I turned around to meet his eyes.

His lips instantly touched mine as he pulled me more towards his body.

"He's not here." He said in between kissing me. I pulled away frowning.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"He's still at your dad's. He's decided to start his training with him."

I pulled away from Namjoon and walked out of the bathroom, and headed into the bedroom.

He followed behind as I kept my mouth shut. I knew this would happen.

"Baby, he'll be okay." He softly grabbed my arm, stopping me from walking.

"I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about him changing. I don't want him to end up like my dad. I don't want to lose him too."

Namjoon shook his head. "Jason is smarter than that. He can't stand her either. You have nothing to worry about. When he is back, I'll offer to help him, that's all I can do. We just need to wait until he comes back."

I nodded as I had high hopes he would take Namjoon's offer and stay here to train. It was the best way forward.

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