020 | Fake Family

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I held my breath as I placed three knocks on my dad's front door waiting for him to answer

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I held my breath as I placed three knocks on my dad's front door waiting for him to answer. I looked up at Namjoon as he stood staring down at me with a soft smile.

"It'll be okay." He assured me.

"But what if it's not? Look how I acted last time... He must hate me."

Namjoon frowned, but before he could say anything, the door opened to see my dad standing with a newspaper in his hand.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked.

"Good morning to you, too," I mumbled, before stepping into the house.

"Where is Jason?" My dad further asked. I shrugged, "Probably with Jungkook."

"Why don't we sit down? We've got some things to discuss with you." Namjoon walked over towards the couch in the living room while my dad's face turned pale white.

"You aren't... you know." He pointed down towards my stomach as my eyes widened.

"What the fuck? No!" I yelled, "Absolutely not, we have come because we need your help!" I pleaded.

"My help? With what?"

I looked over as Namjoon decided to do the speaking. "There are a few things you don't know about me. I come from a pack that was terrorised by our members. I fled and now they have found me again. I can't trust them at all. I've only met Leo, my old friend from when I was a pup. But please, we need to get them out of Alaska. I know this place is packed with people like us but, they don't belong here. They are a danger to us all. I can only track Leo down by his bookshop. I recently found out he had my dad's last ever letter. The letter I was supposed to get for my 18th birthday. He had to end it short because he knew people were coming for him! It all adds up, I want your help. The more I have on my side, of course, he'll leave. Leo won't feel welcome anymore."

"I'm not sure it can be that easy, Namjoon." My dad stood up from the chair, "He won't go without a fight. I can't help you, I'm sorry I've got too much on my plate right now, I need to go to Paris next week with Claudia, her son has officially moved there. I need to go meet the Alpha that let him into his pack, just to make sure he is safe."

I looked down, trying not to lose my temper at the bastard I call 'dad.'

"You know." I paused. I glared up at him, feeling half of my heart being ripped apart. "You were hardly in our lives. You never sent shit when it was christmas or our birthdays, we knew you were far away, but come on? Are you going to choose someone else's son over blood? When I need you the most right now, you are going to walk away?"

"I know I've been terrible. You don't know how long I've wanted to make it up to you both, but it's hard." He tried to explain.

"What's hard? Hm? Oh, I forgot, you mated and abandoned your family to be fake families with someone else. You know what? I don't know why we bothered coming since you are so busy with your fucking perfect life. Where's the devil in disguise? Is she home?" I looked around the room.

"Indigo, baby, leave the room. I'll deal with this. We won't be long." Namjoon placed his hand on my shoulder as I released the grip I had on the couch and left the room.

I stomped upstairs, noticing a few people walk past me. I couldn't give a fuck anymore and just kept glaring at them all since they must have all been treated more like his kids than me.

I walked into my old bedroom and slammed it shut, noticing everything was left how it was. I walked over to my desk and grabbed my bag, stuffing all of my last belongings into it. I noticed I had left a few pictures behind of Jungkook and me when we were little. I sighed, looking out of the window.

It only feels like yesterday when I was standing watching namjoon from my window.

Time flies by when you're having fun.

The sound of my ringtone echoed throughout the room as I reached into my pocket to see who was calling. Everyone knew where we were, nobody needed to look for us.

'Incoming call from Yoongi.'

I answered to hear nothing but heavy breathing.

"Hello? Yoongi?" I called out.

"Indigo!" Yoongi yelled out, causing my heart to race, "Get back here with Namjoon. It's urgent and makes sure he isn't in a bad mood."

I stayed silent trying to listen in as a lot was happening in the background, "What the fuck? Jimin!" Yoongi shouted even louder.

Yoongi ended the call before I could hear him shout anything else at Jimin. I never spared another second staying in my old bedroom and ran back downstairs for Namjoon.

"Namjoon." I barged back into the living room, "The boys, I think they need your help!"

I stopped in surprise as I wasn't sure what I was witnessing. Namjoon stood with the flames surrounding his upper half as his eyes glowed a deep orange.

I struggled to say anything else, gazing over to my dad who stood like a statue in shock.

"What the hell are you doing?" I panicked running closer. My dad snapped out of it and put his hands out so I wouldn't run any closer to Namjoon.

"Stay back!"

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