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"Nothing is going on between us

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"Nothing is going on between us. Things just got difficult while you were away."

I got up to leave, gesturing for him to follow to make sure Namjoon was well out of our sight. We made it towards my old room now, Jason's room while he was here.

"What is truly going on, Indigo? The man wouldn't crack a smile until I eventually started tripping myself over. I had to hurt myself for him to make a noise." He stressed, rubbing the back of his arm.

"Are you okay now?"

He nodded, "I'll survive."

"Back to the situation." I started, "We found an Alpha that runs a small library for wolves deep in the woods on the way to town. Jin befriended him, and it was a massive mistake. It turns out Namjoon's dad holds the same curse as Namjoon. The flames. I'm not sure how many times you've seen him like that but Jason, his dad was killed for it."

Jason's eyes widened, "I must have forgotten about his flames, I've heard he's different. Who killed his dad?" He asked.

"That's the worst part. The pack turned against him. I have a suspicion Leo isn't telling us the whole truth. The way he is acting, I know something isn't right." I wondered in thought.


"He's now the Alpha of the pack Namjoon should be the leader of. That pack is his real one. His family. They are trying to get him back. As soon as he does, he'll ditch everyone." I sighed. "I need to help. I need to convince Namjoon it's a bad idea. I've had nothing but bad thoughts about Leo, he and his pack can't be trusted."

Jason sat on the bed I had forgotten to make this morning and shook his head, "Are you sure you aren't just overreacting? Namjoon would never leave you."

I shook my head, "Not me, them." I pointed to the door. "The boys would be heartbroken. I can't bear it."

"I'll help too. You won't fight alone. I'll kick some werewolves' asses for my sister."

I chuckled, nudging his arm as we heard movement from the hallway. I walked to the door and looked out to see nobody there.


"So, Jin is busy researching and the rest are doing god knows what, what do you want to do today? We can have a sibling day since we haven't seen each other in so long." I suggested. Jason got up from the bed in deep thought.

"Want to go explore the town? We never managed to do that since we entered the werewolf life, it just feels like we are going in circles between houses. We never actually go out to the real world. What do you say?"

"Sounds good to me. Let's go!"

We made it downstairs to see Jimin downstairs himself sitting watching a blank tv with nothing on.

"Morning Jimin. Where is everyone?" I asked, walking down the last step.

He turned around, giving us a slight smile and shrugged, "No idea, I'm sure Jungkook and Taehyung went out for a run and everyone else is doing whatever. You just missed Namjoon. He went back out." Jimin pointed to the kitchen door.

"Where are you going?" He questioned.

"Into town with Jason. We thought we would escape for the afternoon and do something fun."

Jimin raised an eyebrow as he frowned, "Can I come?" He pleaded.

"Hurry up, we are leaving in a second," I said, heading towards the door. I walked out trying to see if I could catch a glimpse of Namjoon, but nothing but trees could be seen in the distance.


"Did you see anyone follow you?"

I shook my head.


"What are we doing out here, Jin?" I asked. Walking deep into the woods after a training session with Jason, I was exhausted. I needed an ice bath. I just need to relax with Indigo by my side.


I miss her.

I miss her smile, I miss smelling her when she wakes up beside me, and I miss her as a whole.

I want my girl not to hate me.

"I don't know why the hell we are going back but I want answers. I need you to come with me. Just so you can learn more about your past." Jin muttered. We came to a stop to see the familiar area.

"Please don't think I'm going to leave you and everyone else. I would never. I'm not going anywhere!" I tried my best to smile, but that never eased the tension we both felt.

"Besides, nobody could replace who is in my pack. I would miss you guys too much. I'm sorry I've been awfully quiet and silent about it. Last night opened my eyes, I've been hunted down and now they want me back. If I wanted to go back, I would have instantly gone with him last night! Don't think for a second, and the same goes for Indigo. I love you guys too damn much." I let out.

Jin stopped walking and faced me. "Deep down, I knew you would stay, but Indigo thinks differently. You need to talk to her and apologise, ever since last night, you've been nothing but cold to her and it's not nice to see especially knowing that she is your mate. You must respect her at all times, Namjoon!" Jin raised his voice, taking a step closer towards me.

"I love her, Jin. With all of my heart, I would die for her. It pains me to be such a fucking shit mate, I don't want to fuck it up."

Jin blinked slowly, nodding his head, "If you keep acting how are, you'll eventually lose her. Please, for her sake, help me with the research and let us help you. If we know more about your dad, we can protect you. We can't let them all find out about your secret. Imagine how dangerous it could be for us, for Indigo."

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