010 | Alpha Kim

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The four of us stood staring in disbelief at the book in front of us

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The four of us stood staring in disbelief at the book in front of us. I slightly gazed at Jin as he stood with his mouth open, not knowing what to say.

The print then never left my sight. This man was the spitting image of Namjoon. I attempted to read what it said underneath, but the image captured my attention.

"Have you guys found something?" Leo asked, coming from the back room.

"Actually." Jin turned around to face him. "We have found this." He picked up the book from the table and showed Leo the picture of the lookalike.

Leo's eyes widen as a gasp escapes his mouth. "Alpha Kim."

We all stood staring at each other as Leo slowly approached us.

"Alpha Kim?" Jungkook repeated.

"He was strict with his pack. Everyone worshipped him, a great leader, a great alpha, but he kept his personal life quiet."

"Do you know anything else?" Taehyung asked as we all sat down around the wooden table.

"I have a whole story." Leo laughed. "It's tough, but I grew up knowing everything I could about him. We never even knew his damn name. He was just known as Alpha Kim."

"Tell us more." I needed to know more. This man could pass for his twin brother. I needed to know everything.

I grew even more curious while I impatiently waited for Leo to start talking again.

"The pack never knew anything about Alpha Kim until rumours started spreading that he was mating with a witch who was doing black magic. One day when everyone was training, they all noticed something unusual. He became more powerful than before. The strength he held was phenomenal compared to any other Alpha's in the area."

"So, the witch made him more powerful?" Jungkook interrupted as everyone's heads turned to face him.

"Let him finish," Jin urged, facing back to Leo.

"Something like that. A wild pack of rogues terrorised the land, and the Alpha fought. He fought so hard. That's when they all saw it. They all saw the flames."

My jaw wanted to hit the floor. I had to reframe myself from making any reaction and carefully listened like everyone else.

What the hell is going on? Who was this Alpha?

All I wanted to do was run back home and tell Namjoon everything.

"When Alpha Kim realised his flames took over, he ran back to his hideout, and that was the last time anyone had contact with him. His flames got too out of hand and burned down his house. He and his mate were trapped. He had a son, but he was never found. Still to this day people of the pack said he fled, leaving the pack without an Alpha. "

Leo's face saddens as he lifted his head to look into my eyes, "Luckily my dad was Alpha Kim's best friend. The title missed him since he refused it and I took over the pack. I'm now the Alpha of one of the most secretive pack's in the world. Nobody knows that Alpha Kim was real. This book is nothing but a myth, an urban legend to scare the kids at Halloween. We protect this pack with everything we have got. We moved here because of how crowded it is with wolves. We had a chance to survive."

Everyone was left speechless. Nobody said a word after that.

"The son from the story is Namjoon." Jungkook let out.

"How can you be so sure?" Taehyung asked. "He could just be a look-a-like."

Jungkook shook his head. "Namjoon told me a part of his past. His dad sent him to go out searching for the first time. He had come of age and was now able to do more werewolf stuff without anyone by his side. By the time he was home, the house was burnt to a crisp. He told me about the pain he felt entering the burning house looking for his parents. The pain of a young teenage kid homeless and nowhere to go, having to run away from his pack, his family. forever."

A tear escaped my eye as I felt my throat close up. This was painful to hear. My poor Namjoon. I held myself together and grabbed the book off the table and walked out of the small house.

"Let's go, we need to show Namjoon."

I walked as fast as I could trying my best to beat everyone to the car. I heard Jin open the car and I got into the back and slammed the door shut, hugging the book to my chest making sure I got it.

this didn't feel real.

it had to be a dream.

Jin was the last to get into the car. He rolled his window down and said his final thank you to Leo as he still held the same facial expression in the library.

"Please. Are you sure your Alpha is the son?" Leo almost choked as he tried to stay calm. "I need to meet him. I need to meet the true Alpha of my pack."

Jin turned back to look at me, trying to figure out what to do. "We don't want to overwhelm him. Please give him some time. I'll contact you if Namjoon decides to see you. We need to go now, thanks again."

As Jin drove off I looked at the side mirror to see Leo with his hands on his head standing in the middle of the road as he grew smaller and smaller until he disappeared into the fog.

We were now climbing high again heading back to the woods towards the house.

"Guys, what if we are finally getting hope? What if this is a step closer to helping Namjoon?" I asked.

Taehyung shrugged, "I don't know, I have a bad feeling about all of this."

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