004 | Affection

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I felt myself stop at his words

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I felt myself stop at his words. I looked anywhere but his eyes as I felt myself overheat.


"I'm serious, Indigo. I've never been so serious in my life. You're mine. All mine." He licked his lips before going in for another kiss, pushing me more against the wall.

"They'll hear." I tried to whisper but failed miserably as I let out a moan. His lips now were all over my neck again, I gripped onto his shirt as he stopped to look into my eyes.

"Let them hear." He mumbled, keeping eye contact. His hands were now softly placed onto my cheeks softly caressing me as he connected his lips back onto mine.

I closed my eyes, enjoying this moment while it lasted as we were sadly interrupted.

Everyone was now in the living room staring at us instantly regretting walking into the house.

"This is why we should've gone upstairs. Next time you do as I say." He winked before walking away, leaving me with my heart racing.

What the hell is wrong with him today?

He was needy and overprotective... do I need to make the list long?

I don't know what's got into him but I like it.

I walked away fanning my face with my hands as Jungkook came up to me, hiding in his laugh.

"Well, it looks like you had fun."

I kept my face straight as I tried to gather my thoughts on Namjoon's actions. I wondered what would have happened if I did go upstairs to the bedroom.


I looked at Jungkook as my grin finally showed on my face. "That was an experience. I've never been kissed like that before." I said, still fanning my face. "Are my cheeks still red?"

"Mhm. That won't go anytime soon. If we never walked in, I bet that we would have walked in on both of you naked later ." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, yeah." I tried to joke around with him, but I wanted more. I was ready for more. How Namjoon just acted there was attractive, he is so attractive.

"Well, it looks like you've both settled in on being each other's mates." Jin crossed his arms, leaning against the door.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I mean... as a werewolf, especially an Alpha like a Namjoon, you've got a lot of enemies. They would come for you since you are the one he goes weak for. Also, he'll be more affectionate, basically undressing you with his eyes, glaring at any boy in sight. It's because the mate connection is much stronger from when you first joined us."

"Does he get worse? Do my thoughts get worse?"

Jin frowned. "What do you mean worse?"

"Uh," I looked away awkwardly, trying to find the correct way to say this.

"Do I continue to get thoughts about Namjoon as he does with me? The past few days it's been getting worse. I want to be with him all day every day."

Jin chuckled as he walked closer to me, he placed his hands on my shoulders and smiled. "It's perfectly okay to think like that. You're still adjusting to the whole werewolf thing, it'll take a while to find all of your emotions."

"And with your emotions, we will learn them together. Come on, it's getting late. Let's all relax now." Namjoon was next to grab my shoulders and push me in his direction away from Jin and Jungkook.

"Yeah, Goodnight." I waved at them as I followed Namjoon out of the room.

"It's still early. The sun's not fully set yet. What are you doing?" I suspiciously asked. Nobody goes to bed this early. What is he up to?

"It's date night."

I stopped walking and frowned. "Date night?" I repeated.

"Yes. You, me, us. Let's go out tonight into town. Jason arrives tomorrow and we'll hardly have any time with just the two of us."

My cheeks hurt so much from smiling. Finally, alone time.

"When should we go?"

"I'll give you an hour to get ready. I've got a table booked for 8. That should be plenty of time."

I nodded and walked away from him towards the bedroom. I stopped walking and ran back to kiss Namjoon on the cheek before running off to my room.

Tonight will be interesting, I'm excited.

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