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"I thought we were being discreet," I told Harry when we got back to his flat. I was still "living" at Zayn's but I stayed at Harry's and my flat. But as far as the world knew Harry and I no longer lived together.

"Me too," Harry said falling onto the sofa.

I sat next to him and put my arm around him. "I know what's to come and I hate it." I told him. "I could leave the band Harry. I would do that for you. For us."

"No," he said. "I won't let you do that. You won't sacrifice your career for mine."

"Will we make it?" I asked him and he looked down at me. "You think we're strong enough to make it?"

"I know we are," he said and leaned down. He placed a small kiss on my lips. "We love each other. That's all that matters."

"It's gonna get harder as time goes on love," I told him. "I'll have to be seen out with her. I'll have to be affectionate with her."

"Just come home to me," he said and kissed me again.

"Done," I said between kisses. "I'm so in love with you Harry. Nothing can make me stop loving you. Don't ever forget that."

He smiled and kissed me again. "I feel the exact same boo." He said. This time when he kissed me it was more urgent than the previous time.

At that point we had been together quite some time but we hadn't taken a big step in our relationship. We hadn't had sex. We had done pretty much everything but had sex. Harry wanted to early on in our relationship. Being the older of the two of us I didn't think we should take that step until he was a bit older. It didn't feel right to me.

The kissing became heated and he pushed me back on the sofa, crawling on top of me with our lips attached and our tongues intertwined. "Lou?" Harry said as he kissed down my cheek to my neck.

"Yeah?" I breathed.

"I want you so bad," he whispered sending chills up my spine. I could feel his hardness pressed against my own erection.

"I want you too love," I told him.

He stopped kissing me and looked in my eyes. "You do?"

I shook my head and gave him a quick kiss. "I've wanted you since I met you Haz."

He sat up next to me, my leg on his legs and the other behind him but I sat up as well. He kept his hands in his lap and his head down. "What is it?" I asked. Wondering how we had gone from a hot and heavy make out session to this in only seconds.

"Why do you always say no?" He questioned.

I reached for his hand and held it in mine. "Harry, I say no because we needed to wait. But can I tell you something?" He nodded and I continued. "I'm ready if you are."

He faced me wearing a big smile. "I am." He said.

We made our way to our room with our hands all over each other. Once we undressed we continued to make out but I think we were both a bit scared and unsure. We had no idea what we were doing. I mean we understood what was supposed to happen but we were awkward.

I will not detail it all out but that first time with Harry may have been awkward but it was the best sex I had ever had in my twenty years.

"Ok," I said as we walked into the radio interview a few months later. "You and me will both say we are with someone." I told Harry.

He smiled at me. "Ok." He said.

I had been telling Harry to stop minding the rules so much and that we would just take what they threw at us. Beards would be part of the job and we had to accept it. So we had been defying management at every turn. They were pissed at us constantly but when we stopped caring we grew even closer. We still stayed as discreet as possible in front of others even the boys. But we were also more open in front of boys, if that makes sense.

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