|08| The Dark Side Of Falling In Love

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Chapter 8 x


Gloss's POV

I wake up the next morning and stare at the ceiling for a while, like it can solve all of life's problems. Storm kissed me. She kissed me, and I kissed back. I don't know what that means. Hell, it doesn't even mean I care about her. People kiss all the time and it doesn't mean anything. It was for show. It was all for the media who were undoubtedly watching us the whole time. With that affirmation, I slip out of my bed and pad into the dining room.

It can't be coincidental that Storm's the only other one awake. She's there in her patterned pyjamas with her brown hair braided back. She looks up and immediately averts her eyes once more when she sees it's me. She flushes and a smirk curls the corners of my lips as I notice this.

"Don't flatter yourself," I tell her firmly, "That kiss didn't mean a thing."

"I know," Storm replies simply, spooning yoghurt over her muesli. She's so infuriatingly calm. It's almost as if last night never happened. I remember breaking away from Storm after the kiss, walking outside to more flashing cameras. They were blindingly bright and all I can remember after that is Storm hauling me into a limousine that took us back to the Training Centre.

"How is our tribute faring?" Cashmere inquires as she walks into the dining room, and I mentally curse. I was so busy trying to erase that stupid kiss that I'd completely forgotten about Marvel. I whirl around and switch on the television. Day 8 and there are still a few Careers alive: both from 2, and Marvel. They had also picked up a District 3 boy, but right now I can see smoke billowing from their former supply tower.

The boy from District 2 stalks over and snaps the neck of the small boy from District 3, almost quicker than I can blink. Well, what a nice spot of death to wake up to. Marvel and the District 2 girl – I think her name is Clove – argue with each other, with the District 2 boy. There's a dark look across the kid's face and I can tell just by looking at him that he's the leader of the Career pack. The others might bicker, but when he barks at them, they snap back into line.

"He's alive," I state dryly, as Marvel hefts up his spear and charges after the pair from District 2. I'm not sure how their supplies – or lack thereof – got into such a state, but I'm guessing they were sabotaged by another tribute. Marvel could really use the sponsor gifts right now. If Cashmere sent them last night, it's already too late.

Storm heaves a sigh of relief and sits down heavily. I glance sharply across at her. What's with her? It's not like Marvel's her tribute. She just escorts us all around the place, informed the kids of their daily routine. We hardly even need her around anymore. Cashmere glances between the pair of us, a sly smile crossing her lips. I glare at her and when she pouts her lips, I clench my hands into fists. So Cashmere knows that Storm kissed me. Yeah, freaking fantastic, just what I always wanted.


Day 9 dawns with death. Marvel manages to trap the little girl from District 11, but is shot dead by that bitch from District 12. I stare at the screen, dazed, as he falls. Storm enters the room when his cannon goes off, but I'm so intent on listening as his cannon goes off that I can only recognise it's her by the mousy brown of her hair. Words completely fail me. Both tributes from my district are dead. What's there to say? I feel a selfish anger, angry because none of them could take my place in this hell that is the Capitol.

I push myself to my feet, my entire frame tense. There's a wary expression on Storm's face and I know what she's expecting. She's just waiting for me to lash out, break things, go into a rage. But I've found another alternative. It's one that's far more dangerous than that, so much more addictive. It's a darkness I didn't ever know I craved because before the other night at The Highwayman, it was forbidden.

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