|62| Blood Is Thicker Than Water

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A/N: Yay!! I kept my promise and updated!! ^_^

(Your POV)

You pressed your hands against the glass and squinted your eyes, trying to make out the shapes in that dark windy night. You stayed in that position for a few seconds until you realized there was nothing there, only darkness.

You frowned. That couldn't be right. You were sure you had seen correctly the first time.

You didn't even think about it as you slipped into a warm jacket, put your slippers on and opened the window. Climbing down the tree had become like second nature to you so you easily reached the ground and began running.

'What are you doing (Y/N)?' Your subconscious asked you but you didn't stop, your body now with a mind of its own. 'It's nearly 3 in the morning, where are you even going?'

You continued running and soon reached the park. If you kept up that pace, you would get to the end of your neighborhood and walk into Karma's.

It was then you saw him.

You came to an abrupt stop, your eyes glued to his figure as your heart pumped louder than ever. You tried to move, to say something but your body wouldn't respond.

Blood red eyes stared at you in that darkness.

Neither of you uttered a single word as the howling wind filled the silence.

"You should be sleeping (Y/N)," Akiro finally spoke up. But before you could reply, he turned around and began walking away.

Once again, you tried to move, to go after him... but failed miserably. You were completely frozen in place.

"Akiro!" You managed to shout, your yell grabbing his attention. "Wha-What are you doing here?"

He didn't say anything and continued walking.

"Answer me!" You shouted, getting tired of always getting ignored by him. "Why didn't you answer my messages? Why come now?"

The adrenaline rushing through your veins must've given you back the control over your body and you found yourself running after him.

"We're supposed to be siblings!" You grabbed his hand, causing him to stop dead in his tracks. "We're supposed to care for each other so why-... why do you refuse to look at me?" Your voice broke at the last part.

Akiro didn't say anything, he didn't even turn around to acknowledge you.

"You were supposed to be asleep (Y/N)," he said once again.

"So then why did you come?" You frowned.

"I... don't know," he admitted, his voice getting quieter.

He still had his back turned, refusing to even look you in the eye.

"You wanted to see me, right?" You asked hopefully. "To make things right. So we can be friends."

"You don't understand (Y/N)." He shook his head and, without even sparing a glance, shook away your hand.

"Of course you wouldn't understand," you suddenly heard Akiro's voice inside your head. "Of course you wouldn't want to go against them... After all, what could I have expected from such a coward like you?"

Your muscles tensed. No. This couldn't be happening again. He couldn't leave you. You wouldn't let him. You wouldn't let him disappear from your life without him knowing how much you had missed him. Without him being aware of how much his existence mattered to you.

"The day before you left," you managed to speak up despite the tremble in your voice, "we argued, remember?" Akiro stopped walking. "I-I believed mother and father were changing but you didn't think the same." You bit your bottom lip and lowered your gaze in shame. "You were right, you know? I was naive and-... I fell for their appearances..."

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