|23| Complete Strangers

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(Your POV)

"So, are you nervous?" Yua, as she had asked you to call her, smiled as she began applying your makeup.

You had arrived home just in time which had been a huge relief. You had already changed into your dress and Yua had already done your hair. She was very nice and bubbly and she was the kind of person that could brighten up a room with her mere presence. The only thing that was left was the makeup which she had assured you would be very natural and discreet.

"Yeah," you admitted, looking down at the ground. Since your mother wasn't in the makeshift dressing room with you, you felt much more comfortable talking about your insecurities with Yua.

"I'm sure everything will go smoothly," she flashed you a big smile.

"I hope so," you mumbled under your breath as she began applying your mascara. "But what if I trip? And what if it doesn't go as planned?" You began to ramble. "I also have to give a small speech and with my luck, I'll most probably forget what I have to say."

"Just don't think too much about those things and enjoy your night," she advised as she made you look at yourself in the mirror.

Your eyes widened in shock. It wasn't like you didn't recognize yourself, but you were stunned to see everything come together. The makeup, the hairstyle, the dress... Everything complimented each other so well that it left you speechless.

"Wow," you finally said. "You're so talented," you complimented in awe as you turned around to face her. "Is there anything you can't do?"

"Get a girlfriend," she sighed dramatically.

"I'm sure you'll find someone," you chuckled in amusement. "You're beautiful and you're so nice... It shocks me that you don't have one already."

"Well I've been focusing more on my work and my family, so I haven't really had the time to meet anyone," she began nodding her head as she thought about it. "So, what about you?" She wiggled her eyebrows as she leaned in eagerly.

"Me?" You stammered, your mind immediately thinking about Karma..

"Yeah, teenager's hormones are everywhere," she smiled. "I'm sure you must have something interesting regarding the... relationship department," she giggled. "Any crushes?"

"No," you said slowly.

"Hmm not quite convinced... You're good at lying so I'll give you that one but my gut is telling me another thing," she squinted her eyes. "But I'll let it slide," she gave you a closed eye smile. "Gosh I love my job," you heard her mumble.

Once you were ready, your mother entered the room. She inspected you from head to toe and gave you her approval something that had shocked you to say the least. In fact, her whole mood had improved vastly as the time got closer.

Yua didn't take long to pack her things and leave the house. After about half an hour, it was finally your turn. You all got inside a very expensive and elegant black car where the chauffeur greeted you.

The ride was silent, as expected. Neither one of your parents tried to initiate a conversation, not even your father tried to one up your mother today. Your brother, sitting beside you, looked out the window in disinterest. You sneakily took out your phone to see if you had any new messages. After weeks of not hearing from Kaori, you had finally given up but there was a small spark of hope deep inside you that still believed he had texted you and you were back to being friends. However, he hadn't.

Finally arriving at the theater, the chauffeur dropped your brother, your mother and your father off at one of the entrances and drove you over to where everyone would be waiting expectantly for your face and identity to finally be revealed. Once you got there, he stopped the car, got off and walked over to where your door was.

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