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Today's Tuesday now, it's currently lunch period except this time I'm by myself and a bit hungry but otherwise I'm fine I had some bread before school.

Right now however I was sitting on the roof although we aren't allowed up here just enjoying the breeze before my phone randomly buzzed.

[Shikimori]: Y/N, where are you? I can't find you in the classroom. I was with Izumi-San but he got mad at me the others also said I was wrong.

I was gone once and all this happened?

[Y/N]: What happened? Need me to console you? Maybe cry on my shoulder? Anyway, I'm on the rooftop on the left side if you miss me that badly.

[Shikimori]: Fine, but I don't want to talk about it. Atleast not yet.

[Y/N]: That's fine you don't have to but you can if you ever need to. Just call my name when you get up here I'm closing my phone.

I pressed the power button since I doubt anyone else would need me and immersed myself in my thoughts for now.

A few minutes later the door opened and closed I noticed long pink hair and of course it was Shikimori, my cute best friend.

"Turn 180 degrees, look up and put your hands where I can see them." I pointed finger guns at her and she freaked out it was entertaining.

She came up to where I was sitting and kicked her legs as we talked about a lot of things Kiyotaka and Kei, Izumi and the others everything we could think of until break ended.


Now I don't have work so I guess I'd text Kiyotaka to see if he was busy, Shikimori was with the others and they seemed fine when I saw them so I left it at that. However I can't say I was entirely unworried but it wasn't my place.

As I got to the gates of the school I heard a familiar yet stupid laugh.

"Kukuku... I can't believe I guessed right. I planned on going to every school nearby until I found the demon but I was right first try."

It's that magenta haired guy I met when I fought Albert he's alone so maybe he's not here to fight?

However that notion was soon tossed away when he boldly pulled on the jacket I wear under my blazer and tried to punch me in the face, I narrowly managed to jump back just before it hit me.

"Oh? I knew beating Albert was no fluke but now I'm even more interested, Ryuuen Kakeru here is going to kill your demon ass."

"Well I guess Y/N L/N the demon will have to humble a dumbass."

I entered a fighting stance and rushed him aiming my right fist for his solar plexus knocking him backwards but taking me with him by grabbing my bangs and pulling me to the concrete.

We stood up and dusted each other off before exchanging fast and heavy blows while a crowd surrounded us.

But I blocked out all those voices until that familiar voice rang in my ears.

"Y/N!? Stop what happened?!"

It was Shikimori she ran over to me panicking almost as worried as she would be for Izumi it took me by surprise but then her body fell. I began to panic nor could I breathe she was unconscious, Shikimori was hurt and it was my fault for not paying attention to Ryuuen.

"Shiki...mori? Hey.. this isn't a joke get up!"

Then my heart went cold. I haven't felt like this in a long time. Since I was in the white room. My eyes were hollow yet dark as I stared at Ryuuen and stated my exact plans.

"I'll fucking kill you, Ryuuen."

"Yes! Yes! Yes! You're just like that Monster I haven't felt fear since he beat me what can you show me!? Huh, Y/N come on-"

His voice began to grate my mind only further enraging me. I began to pummel him, even after my fists hurt, even after my fists felt blood and even after he fell unconscious at my first punch.

Soon after the teachers came. Since he wasn't a student they had no choice to just tell Ryuuen to never come back or he'll be arrested they figured the beating he got and the police would've been overkill.

However I got suspended although the then awake Shikimori protested it didn't do much. I never want to see her hurt like that again.

When she left school though she left with an angry Izumi while Nekozaki and Inuzuka looked afraid of me and Hachimitsu just worried I guess.

I walked home alone that day wondering how I'd deal with this situation now I figured the best course of action would be to just meet with Kiyotaka for now though.


Since I was suspended I had more free time and I figured I could be a bit more lazy in things so after two days I messed Kiyotaka when he should be done with school.

[Y/N]: Hey, Kiyotaka are you busy? It's about Ryuuen some stuff happened and I got suspended.

[Kiyotaka]: Yes, I'm only out with Kei right now, you can come meet us if you want she's dealt with him before so she wouldn't be a problem.

[Y/N]: Sure I don't mind seeing her but send your location I'll be leaving within ten minutes so I won't be long.

Five minutes or so he sent the location of their date or where they would meet me at but I was stopped at the door of my Aunt's apartment.

"And where are you going?"

"Why do you even care Sachi? Don't we ignore each other anyway."

"Unfortunately my mother asked me to make sure you stayed out of trouble while she wasn't here."

"Well I'm going to meet a friend nothing more, it's important though so I'm leaving."

"Yeah mhm. Just don't be out too late I suppose." Sachiko walked back into the living room where she was watching some drama while I walked out of the front door.

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