22. Unforgettable 🤩

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To keep my mind off of where we were headed, I turned to Zeke. "Can I ask you something?" I drummed my fingers on my knees.

"What's up?" Zeke kept his eyes on his phone.

I hesitated before speaking, "Umm... That family photo that's over the fireplace in the kitchen... you were a little boy and you were pointing and your eyes were squinted." I smiled just thinking about it. "How old were you?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe 7 or 8 years old."

I sighed, "Well, there's also a garden in your backyard with a maze..."

"I haven't been back there in years."

Now, I know he's lying. I sighed as I turned to look out the window. "How far away is this party?"

"We'll be there soon."

This is going nowhere. I reached for my purse and opened it. I grabbed my phone to see that I had 2 missed calls  and one text from Monica. I clicked on her message and instantly laughed out loud.


I pressed on the call button and held the phone to my ear as it rang.

Monica answered before the first full ring. "Jamie, I'm gonna hurt you. I went to your job looking like who-shot-John and here comes this beautiful man with his beautiful face, strong body, and that voice. I even asked if he works for the radio station at night."

In our deepest baritones, we said in unison, "You're listening to 103.5 R&B at night." We both laughed.

Monica shouted, "I can't believe you worked with that and left! Are you blind?"

I smacked my lips. "Monica, I'm following my dreams."

"Jamie, that man is the dream! At first, I was gonna shoot my shot, but then, I came to my senses." 

I arched my brow. "Monica, what are you talking about? I was actually hoping you'd find him attractive, because I think y'all would be great together."

"You think anybody would be great with me just so I'd stop blowing up your phone."

That's about 80% true, but she doesn't need to be told that. "You have a great personality; therefore, you shouldn't be single."

"Says the person that gets upset whenever I tell her the same thing." Monica caught my bluff.

I smiled, "Anyway, did you give him the key?"

"Forget the key and the check. He followed me to your apartment. I gave him a tour of your bedroom and closet, 'cause that's the size of the entire apartment. He said he likes how clean you are. Girl, I was glad you made up the bed and washed the dishes. You know how you do, sometimes."

I rolled my eyes.

Monica continued, "He did ask if it was okay for him to bring some of his furniture in from his storage. I said I'd ask you first."

"Oh, yeah. That's fine," I granted the permission.

"Good, 'cause I already told him you wouldn't mind. He did say that he was looking for a place, and if he found one before your lease was up, that he would stay at your place until your lease is up. Ain't that so sweet? I said 'boy, you better move into your new place. I'll check on my cousin stuff. Trust me, it ain't going nowhere unless she becomes rich and famous.'"

I chuckled, "Monica, how long did you talk his ear off?"

"Not long. He ordered pizza for us and even asked if I wanted to watch this documentary he found on YouTube. You know I don't watch anything without getting paid. So, I declined."

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