Home, at last.

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We docked in England after sixteen days, a storm had interrupted the trip and we had to take a longer courses to England so we weren't harmed during the trip. When we got off the boat, Jacob looked around in wonder, before shivering at the bitter wind cutting through us all. I chuckled as I watched him pull his jacket closer around him, Newt watched us with a fond smile, as I teased Jacob fondly, "We did warn you, you would need a thicker coat."

"I didn't think anywhere could be colder than New York in the winter, is it always like this?" He asked.

"This is actually quite a mild day." Newt commented, the wind making his hair blow in all directions wildly.

"This is mild?" Jacob spluttered, tugging the lapels of his jacket up around his ears as he grabbed his suitcase.

"Yes, wait until the rain starts." I chuckled, watching the horror cross his face.

"Don't put him off England so early, Ro." Newt commented, leading us towards a small alcove in the docks.

I rolled my eyes fondly, I watched as Newt placed his case down and instructed Jacob to climb inside so we could pass through security, as he technically didnt have his documentation yet; they were still with Theseus. We got through the boarding officers without a hitch, we smiled at each other as we linked arms and moved through the crowds of people. Just as we were about to leave, a familiar deep voice called out to us, "Newt! Ro!"

I spun around to see a familiar tall figure moving towards us, easily navigating through the crowds, "Theseus!"

I let go of Newt's arm and ran to Theseus, I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug, having missed the man who was the closest thing to a brother I would ever have, he hugged me back with just as much force. I took his arm and led him over to where Newt was standing, they shared an awkward hug, before settling to shaking hands, which made me roll my eyes at the tension radiating from the both of them.

"Nearly a year without seeing each other and that's how you greet each other?" I grumbled, not meaning for them to actually hear me.

Theseus turned his cerulean eyes to me, reminding me so much of Newt's but they weren't as soft, hardened by the years of the Ministry work, "Not all of us can be as affectionate as you, Rosaline."

"I would hardly call myself affectionate." I stated.

"Anyway, it is bitter out here, shall we head back. Isn't there supposed to be a third party with you as well?" Theseus asked, his brows pinched in confusion as he looked for the Muggle we were supposed to be bringing.

"Well, you see we didn't want any trouble so, he's" Newt stammered, motioning to his case as he trailed off.

He looked down at the case, as if it had just insulted him personally, he pinched the bridge of his nose with an exasperated sigh, before looking back up at us, his face that of a scolding parent, "You two smuggled a Muggle, who was supposed to be obliviated, through the American and British boarders?"

"Technically it wasn't smuggling because you know, and Tina knows back in New York, because she signed the papers. But if you mean smuggling in the sense that, MACUSA believe he is going about his life in New York without knowing about magic, then I guess we did smuggle him through two boarders. But, we didn't have a choice, you see, he helped us so much, and he fell in love with a witch we met" I rambled.

Luckily Newt cut me off before I could dig us deeper into trouble, "Rosaline, breath! Please don't back out now, Theseus, he is a good man with a good heart, he would never endanger us."

I took a large gulping breath before looking up at Theseus with the best innocent eyes I could muster, I must have looked ridiculous, but it worked. He grumbled something under his breath, along the lines of 'I'm going to be grey by the end of the year at this rate'. I smiled brightly at him, looping my arm back through Newt's as Theseus led us out the dock and into the streets, we found an empty back street, away from prying eyes as we apparented back to mine and Newt's house, startling poor Bunty as we dropped into the kitchen.

A house full of love// Newt Scamander.Where stories live. Discover now