A magical Christmas with the Scamander's.

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Christmas joy was buzzing through the streets of London, people were bustling amongst the streets, trying to finish their shopping before the last mad rush, snow had already started to fall over London, a beautiful stereotypical British Christmas, perfect for our American friends first proper Christmas in England. We had been invited to spend the Christmas period with my mother and Joyce at their home in the countryside surrounding London, we agreed on the condition that they would leave the folders of photos in the cupboards, they begrudgingly agreed.

So, on the 20th December, we finished our task of packing up all of Newt's creatures into his case, a task that took us nearly two whole days to complete, I looked around the empty basement, chuckling at how quite it was without the usual animal calls sounding. We made it upstairs to see Bunty just putting her coat on to go home for the holidays, "Are you sure you don't want me to stay here and look after everyone?"

"No, it's fine, Bunty. You go and enjoy Christmas with your family, you deserve the break after everything you've done for us." I replied.

"Thank you, Ro. Merry Christmas to you both." She smiled, taking her wand out.

"Merry Christmas, Bunty." Newt smiled.

"Merry Christmas." I called out as she disapparanted.

"Are you two finally ready to go?" Theseus asked, placing his small suitcase on the floor of the kitchen.

"Yes, everyone is accounted for." Newt replied, motioning to his case.

We all gathered in the kitchen, all holding a suitcase of some variety, we all linked arms and Theseus was the one that apparented us to the house, landing in their kitchen, making Joyce jump, spilling the tea she had in her hand.

"Theseus Scamander! What have I told you about apparenting without warning?" She scolded, using her magic to clean up the spilt tea.

"Sorry mom, we were waiting for Newt and Ro to finish packing everyone in." He apologised, hugging her briefly and dropping a kiss to her cheek.

She huffed, "Yes, well, giving your mother heart attack so early in the morning can be checked off your to-do list. Welcome to our home, please make yourselves at home while you're here."

"Thank you for the invite, Mrs. Scamander." Queenie chirped, smiling at her.

"How many times must I insist, please, call me Joyce."

"Of course, Joyce." She replied.

We all greeted each other properly, we were sat on the table when my mother came in from the garden, her outfit mud stained and her gardening hat askew on her head, I chuckled at the state she was in.

"Long day mother?" I asked cheekily.

"You watch your lip, young lady." She warned, kicking her wellington boots off.

I pulled out my wand and cleaned her up, standing up and hugging her tightly, "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, honey." She whispered, hugging me back tightly.

Newt hugged her next, kissing her cheek sweetly, when he pulled back she looked between the two of us, "I see you to have finally learnt to eat some more."

"I think it was the pies you sent each week." Queenie confessed.

"Good, you were both too damn skinny." She stated, smiling at us.

"We know, you tell us every time you see us, Lilian." Newt smiled.

She hit him with her gardening gloves lightly, she looked over at Theseus, "Are your legs broken? Or do you want to greet me?"

A house full of love// Newt Scamander.Where stories live. Discover now