Please, not yet.

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The week of the sisters visit was up, they would be heading back to American the next day, the boat left in the early afternoon, so we had barely a day left with them. The mood around the house was sombre, no one wanted to be the first one to bring up the impending departure, until Theseus blurted something out, "There is a Auror position going in my department."

"Thank you?" I drawled out, confused by his outburst.

He ignored me and looked over at Tina, "You don't have to leave, not if you don't want to. I can rush the paperwork through, get you instated here in two weeks maximum."

Queenie looked at her sister with hopeful tear filled eyes, Tina sighed, looking between the two, "It's a lot. I mean, moving across the ocean."

"I did it. Its not all that bad." Jacob stated, his mood lifted at the thought of having Queenie around.

"Can I have the day?" She requested, standing from the table.

"Of course." Theseus nodded.

Tina nodded stiffly and walked out of the kitchen, going upstairs and into my room, Queenie looked at us all confused, "What is there to think about?"

"It's a big change Queenie. She's got wrap her head around the idea before she agrees to it." I replied, stroking the baby Niffler that was trying to take the buttons from my shirt.

Newt chuckled and plucked the Niffler from my shirt, placing him in the fruit bowl with his siblings, dropping another gold piece in there for him to play with for a little while.

"And I thought I was the mind reader." She mumbled.

The rest of the day was tense, waiting for Tina to come back down, she didn't until after dinner, so while we waited, myself and Newt went down to the basement, taking the sleeping baby Nifflers down with us. I smiled fondly as I placed the four sleeping Niffler's into the nest that Snow had made, she came over and snuffled at them, before wrapping herself around them and nuzzling them. I smiled and went over to Newt's desk where he was sitting, I sat on his desk in front of him, placed one of my hands on his shoulder, making him look up at me with a sad smile.

"She will do the right thing for her and Queenie." I stated.

He leant his head onto my arm, a soft sigh falling from his lips, "I just don't want to see Jacob hurt."

"Me neither, Newt, me neither." I stated, stroking through his hair with my other hand.

I stayed like this for a little while, until my arm started to ache a little, I moved it subtly, but Newt felt it, he lifted his head, "Sorry."

"Not to worry. You seemed pretty comfortable." I chuckled, moving over on the desk to try and get more comfortable.

"Would you I mean would you feel comfortable, sitting here?" He mumbled, motioning to his leg.

I blushed deeply, I nodded shyly and moved to sit on his right knee, it wasn't very comfortable at all, Newt wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me back to sit on his thigh, my two legs threw over his other leg, his other arm threw over them. This position was extremely comfortable, I leant back against his shoulder, I brought my hand up and stroked his hair again, he leant his head on mine, sighing in content. We stayed like this for a long time, just watching the creatures around us go about their days, Pickett even climbed out of Newt's pocket and settled between us, clicking happily at us being together. At one point, Newt leant up and kissed me softly, I happily reciprocated, we shared lazy gentle kisses for a little while, our faces flushing at the close intimate actions. We didn't even hear Theseus coming down the stairs, until we heard him clear his throat obnoxiously, I jumped from Newt's lap, taking Pickett with me, making him squeak in protest at the loss of warmth, I looked between the two brothers as they stared each other down.

A house full of love// Newt Scamander.Where stories live. Discover now