A dinner date years in the making.

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We had been home nearly two weeks, before Newt approached me, regarding what we had spoken about on the boat, we were sat in the basement together, watching the Mooncalves jump around their pen. He turned to me with a light blush already dusting his cheeks, momentarily distracting me because of the thousands of freckles dotted across his cheeks, he looked at me through the unruly mop of curls on his head, his aquatic eyes not meeting mine. He paused for a second, taking a deep breath, "Do you remember what we spoke about on the boat, on the first day of our journey?"

"Yes, you asked me to dinner, when we arrived back in London." I commented, looking over at him properly.

"We have been back for two weeks now." He stated.

"We have."

"Can I—I mean—would it be okay, if we still went to dinner? Tonight, perhaps?" He stuttered, the blush on his cheeks intensifying, hiding the freckles.

"I would love that." I smiled, resting my head on my folded arms across my knees.

Two hours later, I was stood in my room, in my bathrobe, looking at the contents of my wardrobe, seeing nothing that was appropriate for my date with Newt, it was times like this I longed for Queenie to come waltzing in. at the very back of my wardrobe I found an old navy blue dress that I hadn't worn in years, I put it on, luckily it still fit, but the colour wasn't right, I had no shoes to go along with it, the only heels I owned were a burgundy colour. I took my wand from my desk and tapped it twice to my shoulder, changing the colour of the dress to a mulled wine. It was just to my knees and the flapper style, small rows of fabric with miniscule beads along it hanging from the hem, hitting my shins, I slipped my shoes on and looked in the mirror, satisfied with what I saw. I took my gold necklace from my box, a present from my mother for my 18th birthday, and placed it on, loving how it looked against the deep red.

I then turned to my hair, which was always the challenge, I kept it longer than most women did now, but the styles I could do with it were very limited, so I stuck with an old faithful, I twisted it into a bun at the base of my skull, pushing a few hairpins into to keep it in place and tie into the red and gold of my outfit. I left a small amount out in the front and curled it into finger waves with a flick of my wand. I decided against makeup, never really liking it all that much anyway. I placed my wand and a small mirror into my handbag and grabbed a light lace black shawl before leaving my room, as I was making my way into the kitchen, I heard Newt, Theseus (wait, when did he arrive?) and Jacob speaking.

"Newt, it's going to be fine." Jacob stated, sounding as though it was the millionth time he had said it.

"He's right, Newt, this is Ro we are talking about here. You two have had this date coming for along time. There isn't any need to be nervous about it, you two will have a great time. Just remember, don't step on her feet." Theseus stated.

'Don't step on my feet', what the hell was he planning?

"I just don't want to mess this up." Newt confessed, I could practically see the blush on his face at this point.

I decided I had heard enough and walked through the living room, making sure to make my presence known, which wasn't hard when I accidentally walked into the sofa, I grabbed at my hip, grumbling, "Merlin's beard! Who moved the couch?"

I carried on into the kitchen, being greeted by three sets of eyes on me, Jacob smiled at me, "Well, don't you look beautiful, huh, Newt?"

I flushed red, looking down at my dress, "Thank you, Jacob."

"Who knew, Rosaline Johnson wears dresses." Theseus teased, nudging Newt as he continued to stare at me.

"Don't get used to it, this is for special occasions only." I warned, smiling softly at him.

A house full of love// Newt Scamander.Where stories live. Discover now