A visit to Hogwarts.

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It had been six months since the sisters had moved in with us, one year since we had first come back to England with Jacob, the year had gone by quickly and I couldn't believe myself and Newt had been dating for nearly an entire year at this point. Tina had taken a day off work, after having been working for the last six months straight, Theseus also had two days off on orders from his boss, saying he had been working too much lately. We decided to take a day trip to see Dumbledore, the school year had just started, so we knew it would probably be a short visit, but it would get us out of the house for a little while. I had sent an Owl ahead, asking if it was acceptable for Jacob to come with us, he said they could make an exception just this once for him.

So, we made our way to the platform, running through the familiar wall and on to the platform, the sense of familiarity overcoming me, I looked around the platform, which was nearly completely empty, apart from a few straggling students, starting the year a little late, or transfers from other schools. We waited for the train in near silence, apart from the occasional questions from Jacob, and even Tina and Queenie sometimes. All three of them looked around the platform in wonder, and when the train pulled in I heard Tina whisper to Queenie, "Okay, our school never had a magical train."

We were allowed on and found an empty carriage, the smell of the upholstery bringing back a nostalgic comfort to me, I sat beside Newt, smiling over at him, "Do you remember the first time we met?"

"Of course, it was in a carriage just like this one." He replied, looking around.

I looked out the window as we started to move away from the platform, heading out into the countryside, a familiar setting to me, Newt and Theseus.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." Queenie sighed, looking out the window.

"Just wait until you see Hogwarts." Theseus chuckled.

"It's such a beautiful building, and the landscape around it is so wonderful." I replied.

"The building holds a lot of good memories." Newt stated.

"Some not so nice ones as well." I mumbled.

Newt reached over and grabbed my hand tightly, obviously having heard me, I looked over at him with a small smile, leaning my head against his shoulder as I continued to watch the landscape go past us.

"Were you at school together?" Tina asked, looking between me, Newt and Theseus.

"No, I had already left when they started." Theseus replied.

We chatted throughout the journey, watching as the landscape started to change again becoming darker as we moved closer to the school, going through the woods surrounding the lake. We got off the train and waited for the boats to come and get us, Jacob looked at the boats with trepidation, "I don't do to good with boats."

"You'll be fine, the water is pretty calm at the moment." Newt reassured.

We crossed the lake, arriving at the large bridge of Hogwarts, I watched as the students ran down the bridge, wanting to get into school and see their friends again, I took Newt's hand, an excited smile on my face, enjoying being back without the possibility of meeting any of my old bullies. We led the way down the bridge, being greeted by Dumbledore half way down the bridge, we greeted him warmly and he invited us in, leading us into his office. I looked around, smiling, "You don't change, Dumbledore."

"Why change what isn't broken?" He chuckled, sitting at his desk and motioning for us to take a seat as well.

We stayed in his office, he told our American friends about some stories of our times at Hogwarts, "Well, Theseus is one of the best Quidditch players the school has ever seen. He could have gone professional if he wished to, it was always a treat to see him play. So when I heard another Scamander would be joining the school, I hoped the sporting gene would carry through."

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