Mothers invade (and they meddle).

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It had been one month since Tina and Queenie had returned back to New York. One month since Tina had been offered a job at the Ministry. When they returned home, two weeks after leaving, I received a letter:

Our dearest Rosaline, Newt and Jacob,

We have made it back in one piece, we are tired but okay. We are starting the process of moving shortly, we spoke with Mrs. Esposito when we returned to the apartment, she said we would have to stay until the end of the month, due to our rent already being paid. I am handing in my resignation at MACUSA tomorrow morning, and signing all the transfer forms as well. I am looking forward to the change of pace, I know Queenie is equally as excited to be in London full time. We hope to be with you all again in a months' time, the end of next month at the latest.


Tina and Queenie. X.

We had corresponded over the next three weeks, and they were finally on the boat, they would be here within two weeks, as long as the weather was good for them. Our mothers also returned home three days ago, which meant they had invited themselves for dinner at mine and Newt's house, telling Theseus he must also be there.

That is how I found myself flapping around the kitchen, trying to make a meal that would please our mothers, Jacob had also made some of his Grandmother's pastries, which smelt amazing, which I hoped would drown out the smell of the burnt vegetables.

"Rosaline, just use your magic." Theseus sighed, watching as I burnt my hand for the fourth time.

"You know how my mother would be if I did that." I replied, allowing Newt to heal the burn across my hand.

He hummed in thought, before waving his wand and fixing everything that was going wrong, "She said nothing of me using my magic."

I sighed in relief, slumping against Newt, "Thank you."

There was a knock at the door, I looked down at myself and saw the stains littering my trousers and shirt, I groaned and pulled out my wand, while Theseus went to answer the door. I fixed my clothes just in time for my mother to come barrelling through the kitchen, hugging me so tightly she nearly knocked me over. She pulled back and looked at me, cupping my face in her hands, kissing both of my cheeks, before looking at me critically, "You're getting too damn skinner. You don't have time to eat?"

"I am eating just fine, thank you, mother." I replied, suppressing the urge to roll my eyes.

We all shared hugs of greeting, my mom berating Newt for looking too skinny as well, which Joyce also joined in with, agreeing that we had lost too much weight since the last time they saw us. I interrupted them by pulling Jacob forward, "Mom, Joy, this is Jacob Kowalski."

Our moms smiled at him brightly, my mom stepped forward and shook his hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Kowalski."

"Please, call me Jacob, It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Johnson." He replied, lightly kissing the back of her hand.

Joyce stepped forward, "Lovely to make your acquaintance, Mr. Kowalski."

"Please, call me Jacob, Mrs. Scamander. It's a pleasure to meet you as well." He replied, kissing her hand lightly as well.

Joy turned to me with a smile on her face, "So, tell me all about your adventures in New York."

She pulled me to sit at the table, everyone else followed, I smiled at her and then looked between Newt and Jacob, "There isn't all that much to tell."

"Lies! Please, do tell us what happened." Mother commented, chuckling lowly.

"Well, first of all the Niffler got loose" I started.

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