One year of lov... liking you.

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Two weeks after our trip to Hogwarts, it was the one year anniversary of myself and Newt's first date, a swarm of Billywig's fluttered around my stomach at the thought of that. Newt had asked me to go dancing that night to celebrate the occasion, I was honestly surprised he had remembered such a small thing, but it warmed my heart that he had. Queenie had surprised me with a new dress, I had at first declined, saying it was too much, but she insisted that it was fine and demanded I wore it that night. We ate dinner together that night, I kept sending Newt small glances, which he would return with a flustered smile, which Queenie picked up and started to giggle under her breath at the obvious looks we were sending each other.

After dinner I was rushed upstairs, just as Theseus came walking through the door, greeting me with a smile before I was pushed all the way up the stairs, I huffed and walked into our bedroom. Queenie pulled my dress from the wardrobe and insisted I put it on first, I put the dress on, as well as some stockings and my heels, which I coloured back to a black, matching the black and blue in the dress. I was then pushed to sit at my vanity and Tina started to brush through my hair, detangling it gently and styling it into a large bun at the base of my skull, small waves hanging from it and framing my face. I protested as Queenie tried to put makeup on me, only allowing some eyeliner and mascara, she huffed but complied, giving me an elegant eye, bringing out the stunning colour they were.

Newt's POV:

I sat at the kitchen table as I listened to the girls run upstairs, there was a small pause before Ro huffed and they continued upstairs. Theseus walked into the kitchen not long after, making the pause make sense now, he sat at the table with a huff, "It's blood cold out there."

"It's Britain, it's always cold." I replied.

He hummed in agreement before turning his eyes to study me intently, "So, big night?"

"It's our one year anniversary." I commented, blushing at the thought.

"Definitely a big night then, what have you got planned?" He pushed.

"We're going dancing." I replied.

"Is that it?" Jacob piped in.

I shook my head, slightly embarrassed at having this whole conversation, "No, I'm planning something else as well."

"Well, don't leave us hanging. What are you going to do?" Theseus demanded, becoming impatient.

I rubbed the back of my neck and mumbled out my response, which was barely audible to me, let alone anyone else. Theseus huffed, but it was Jacob who spoke up, "Can't hear ya, buddy."

"I'm going to tell her I love her." I rushed out.

Their gazes softened, they watched me as I looked down, my face flushing brightly, I stood up from the table in a hurry, "I better go and get changed."

"Newt!" Theseus called out, making me stop in the doorway.

I turned around, but wouldnt look at them, he sighed and stepped forward, "That's going to make her night, Newt."

I looked up at him in surprise, I smiled softly, "You really think so?"

"Of course. And I have no doubt that she will not hesitate to say it back." He reassured.

"You got this, buddy. She's mad about you." Jacob chimed in.

I smiled and looked down, I excused myself and went upstairs, passing her bedroom door, hearing the girls giggling inside, I chuckled to myself and went to get changed.

Rosaline's POV:

We heard Newt come upstairs, I looked at Queenie, Billywig's swarming through my stomach at the thought of our upcoming date, she giggled as she read my mind, making me flush and start chuckling as well. I heard his bedroom door close and sighed in relief. I finished getting ready about ten minutes later and made my way downstairs, going into the kitchen to find Theseus and Jacob sitting in the kitchen, talking quietly, but they stopped just as we went inside, making me look between them suspiciously. They sent me innocent smiles that I didn't believe for a second, Theseus cleared his throat and looked down at my dress, "You look lovely, Ro."

A house full of love// Newt Scamander.Where stories live. Discover now