Izuku makes some hoes mad

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"When did it become like this?" Izuku Midoryia asked himself out loud, watching from afar as the sunset, illuminating the colors and windows of UA Academy. The high school which he graduated from two years prior. Of course, graduating at the second top of his class, it was no surprise that thousands of Pro Hero Agencies were practically rattling at the idea of Izuku coming to work for one of them. And he did work, for a while.

A while was a couple of months, it was fun at first, running into old friends in fancy outfits in grand events where men and women stuck their pinkies out when they drank teas. And it was fun when he would stay up all night just to catch the bad guy, and then the floodgates of cheers and paparazzi and magazines would open for him the next morning. And it was fun when Ochako Uraraka would call him up on a free day so they could meet up in the park and talk about their lives. And it was a good life, for a while.

But then the missions became the same, they would catch the big bad guy, only to make another thousand small villains appear. Villains who the Hero Agencies obviously knew, but let them continue to terrorize small towns because they weren't a big threat.

"You can't save everyone Deku, hell, All Might never did and he's still the greatest hero of all time!" They would exclaim to him. That would only make Izuku's heart hurt and his head angry. The greatest hero of all time knew about all these holes in the agencies that took pride in protecting Japan, and just let them go. A crappy idol to look up to, and an even crappier mentor.

The magazines weren't fun anymore and one long night stake out mission turned into two, which turned into more, which lead to weeks on end when Izuku wasn't able to get a good night of rest. At least he had his family and friends to keep checking up on him though, were the thoughts that kept Izuku pushing forward when he held his Number Eight Pro Hero award when he turned nineteen. He expected his old friends to be cheering him on in the crowd, but even Katsuki Bakugo wasn't there to insult him. No one was. No one from his class even made it in the top ten by his side.

He was suffering as a slave to the Hero Agency, which was doing everything wrong, and a slave to loneliness, which took away all of his friends. It would be weeks or even months at a time when Izuku wasn't able to check up on his phone. And there was rarely more than his mother Inko, checking in on him once or twice to make sure he had eaten, or saying he looked incredibly handsome in his last interview, or to get home soon.

Katsuki himself, was probably the hardest to lose though. His dumb bully, and his even dumber high school crush had vanished from his life without warning nor a trace. If Izuku was able to catch a look on social media, which was rarely, he would see that the man was alive and well as ever, and even on his vacations he was diminishing threats. Izuku wondered if he too, was being destroyed by hero work.

And so Izuku, at age twenty, two years after graduating from UA, left his Pro Hero Agency, and thus became a vigilante. Taking down the smaller villains that popped up and terrorized villages, while the corporation was able to destroy the big threats, the only ones that people cared about. The ones that stole from important figureheads, and not the ones that killed small families instead. And not knowingly, Izuku landed in a midst of confusion and wondering if there was really any purpose to his life anymore. After all, magazines and awards and press conferences weren't swarming him anymore. Even social media stopped caring. Hell, some times even he did.

"You know," He hummed to himself, collapsing on the building top as the last of light had finally vanquished from the sky. "I bet no one would even noticed if I disappeared." He stared up into the sky, letting the wind ruffle his face, before in one perfect moment, is brain snapped and strung together one idea. One that would forever change Izuku Midoryia's life forever. A devilish- mischievous smile formed on his face that the world, nor Izuku had seen in years. "That's it, what if I do disappear."

He stood back up on the roof, his tall lean body enveloped in dark fabrics and a hood which he pulled from his head.

"And I'll see," He continued to himself, putting one foot in front of the other as he walked in the darkness, hundreds of feet up in the air. "Who really cares. I mean, it'll probably just be my mom, but from there I can start working in the shadows to fix the corrupted Hero Agencies. And I'll make my debut back into society once I've fixed it all!" For the first time in his life, Izuku knew what he wanted to do. He had to disappear, he had to start fixing what tore him apart. "I'll owe whoever is out there that still cares about me whatever they want when I return, but I have to do this." He told himself swinging his body off the roof as he danced down the windows until he was safely posed on the ground.

"Now all I need to do is fake my death," He sang to himself walking down the torn up alleyways of Japan. "Piece of cake."

*One Week Later*

"Breaking News! The Uprising Pro Hero known as Deku, whom also was the youngest hero to ever appear in the top ten at age nineteen taking the place of number eight last year, has been confirmed dead. A neighboring woman says she spotted the young hero last night walking down the street with two grocery bags when a truck driver lost control and flipped, crashing on top of the young man before he even had a chance to see it coming. Witnesses say they saw the hero with headphones along with a hat on, probably in an attempt to avoid the paparazzi. This is what caused Deku to not notice the truck which lost control at last second on top of him. The driver is in the ICU but is suspected to be in stable conditions soon, which will be when the authorities question him. We can only send our regards to the close family and friends of Pro Hero Deku, which have held a private funeral for him, and said a public service will be following in the future. You can find more information on our news site."

News outlets were flooding with Izuku's death, only hours after it had been confirmed by doctors. Of course those doctors had no idea that the body was a fake and due to the truck destruction was too mauled up to actually tell it was Izuku. But the cameras in the grocery store he had left caught Izuku's face loud and clear on it, and there was only a brief spot where camera trace disappeared which was where Izuku had disappeared, and placed the fake body in location within a split second of the truck's collapse. Of course the driver too, was in on Izuku's plan and promised he would remain out of harms way.

Injury quirks, it was strange how they worked.

But despite the odds, Izuku Midoryia was now sitting in a secure location, presumed dead, with laptops and information about the Hero Agencies surrounding him at his desk, and with a small tablet, playing live feed of his funeral service. Izuku had decided that it would be far too much work to somehow manage to spy on his gravesite to see who would visit, while simultaneously staying out of sight along with taking down a whole corporation. And so the brilliant idea of a hidden camera at the site was born. He turned to the feed, watching his crying mother exit the field in the arms of Mitsuki, Katsuki's mother. He silently apologized to his mom, as well as thanked Mitsuki for being able to help his mom through this time.

In the past hours, almost everyone had stopped by from his old friends, all teary eyes and bearing roses. Everyone had stopped by, except goddamn Katsuki Bakugo.

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