Tbh I'm debating if I should kill someone off

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Katsuki grossly underestimated the distance between where Izuku's tombstone lay, and his Hero Agency that he had just leapt out of. He had been running for scarcely moments, and the wind was already prickling at Katsuki's skin, not to mention that Izuku might as well have vanished into the night. All of these variables ended up leading Katsuki to the nearest train, which would dump him near the outskirts of Tokyo, conveniently close to where Katsuki had found himself sobbing nights prior.

How he knew Izuku would be there? Just a bystander would never be able to tell, hell, even Katsuki couldn't quite place why his gut was pushing him to that location, why his hair stood up the closer he got, why his feet drove him forward onto the train. Only one thing was certain, every single instinct in Katsuki's body were all harmoniously pointing him in the direction of the glorious Izuku Midoryia. So as Katsuki took his seat on the train, littered with only a few souls, he was prepared for anything that would await him, and he was prepared for Izuku.

The ride would be thirty minutes, and as Katsuki closed his eyes, he knew thirty minutes was far too long, but far too soon for his whole world to be changing. Since he had graduated from high school, from UA, he had imagined this moment. This time it was quite different than his original fantasy, in which Izuku certainly hadn't faked his death, rather he would be standing alone, his hair twisting in the wind. Winter wind, it was always supposed to happen in winter, and with Katsuki's eyes closed he remembered those thoughts, the thoughts that had laid out his make believe future.

Izuku would be standing quietly alone, his hair had been green when Katsuki first imagined it, though now in every daydream it was a patchy black. As each hair strand twisted over his face, Izuku turned around, his face flushed with the cold air, his ears red, and a smile warming the cold surroundings. Katsuki would walk over, in the moments, Katsuki's body wouldn't freeze, his soul, his heart, his body would be willed to Izuku, moving forward to him with a string of fate, a string they had crafted together as kids. Back when things were simpler.

Izuku would turn and smile, warming the world, and Katsuki's cold heart, they would move closer, and Katsuki would manage to throw out a few words, the back of his neck heating as he mentioned crushes and Izuku's name in the same sentence. The dark haired boy would flush stronger, before scrambling at words, and Katsuki would smile, taking Izuku's hand. Even in a simple dream, a simple story in Katsuki's head, Izuku's hand was still as tangible as ever, warm, gentle, soft, but still holding unyielding power and strength. The hands of a true hero, the hands of the boy Katsuki loved.

With their hands intertwined, finding words for Izuku would be easier, he would too confess, though it wasn't a confession, in a way they both knew, they had always known. There wouldn't be fireworks, or big screams and extravagant passions, but there would be hearts intertwined, their blood pumping together, flowing not only for themselves, but for the other person. They would walk home, the howling winter wind, nothing more of a breeze, they would eat dinner together, joke as the mothers watched their too sons, their smiles equally as large.

They would date, they would kiss, they would love, they would marry, Izuku would insist on a spring wedding, when the world was enveloped in deep hues of oranges and greens, Katsuki would oblige, knowing that it didn't matter in the slightest when the wedding was to occur, because he had been waiting for this moment, for months, for years, for his lifetime and his lifetimes before that. Izuku would smile and shove cake into Katsuki's face, and he would pretend to be irritated by the event, but Katsuki's eyes had never show more happiness as Izuku looked back into them.

Children would roam the house as Izuku frantically shouted for bags to be packed for the family to travel, people in the airport would snap pictures, the strongest Pro Hero's and their delightful kids on their way for a vacation. When Izuku would fret about the small things to come, Katsuki would simply kiss his husband, and all would be perfect.

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