Bakugo gets fucked in the ass by grief

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December third was a Tuesday and it awoke Katsuki Bakugo to an uncomfortable chill as the wind blew into his apartment. He rubbed his eyes and pulled on a thick robe before heading out of his bedroom, making sure to shut his window as he mentally reminded himself to take his winter blankets out of storage. It seemed as though finally, the frigid days of winter were upon Japan, and fall, which had stretched for far longer than it should have, was finally being chased away.

Typically, Katsuki would turn on the television as he was making his breakfast, but he had been working a long case for the past week, and the night prior it had finally come to a close with the villain safely behind bars. He had no doubt in his mind that the incarnation would be all the news was playing, and he was sick and tired of hearing about it. And since the case had finally wrapped up, his agency had granted him a day off, so he was cautious to check his phone, knowing that the agency was bound to go back on their word sooner or later and bring him in to parade around the office for interviews and such.

And so, Katsuki blissfully ate his eggs in peace with only the sound of the whooshing wind on his apartment windows as he closed his eyes. If he had the choice, he would probably never go back to his stupid Hero Agency. It wasn't that work was too taxing on his body, it was too taxing on his moral. Katsuki wanted to be the hero that outshined everyone else, the hero that saved everyone, never leaving anyone behind. So it was a grand surprise that the hero cooperation specifically made it so that no hero could save everyone. He had heard even Izuku had dropped out to become a vigilante and hell, ever since he had, the villain cases left behind by the corporation practically ceased to exist.

Katsuki had almost asked Izuku if he could join him, but bit his tongue all those months ago because he forced himself believed that maybe it was a good thing that Izuku was out of the picture and now he could step in. Most days though, Katsuki regretted putting his phone down, and never giving Izuku that call, but he was busy, and after all, the whole gang would probably get back together in a few weeks at an annual End of the Year Pro Hero Party. Right, that's when he would get to talk with Izuku again.

"Oh well," Huffed Katsuki running his fingers through his short cropped hair. That was another thing he despised about his Pro Hero Agency, they cared less about work and too much about appearances. Katsuki now looked like some sheltered religious kid who's backbone was about as strong as an eclair. An honestly, the amount of scolding he got for flipping off paparazzi was less than when a villain actually escaped their grasp.

Eventually, Katsuki finished with his meal and stretched in his chair, before deciding he was tired of thinking about all of this depressing stuff he was roped into, and a hot shower would wash all of his worries away before he got his day started with.

"I guess since I'm off today, I could call Shitty Hair up, although the weirdo keeps trying to set me up with girls," Katsuki wrinkled his nose at the word before leaving his robe and clothes on the bathroom floor and stepping into his shower. "Dumbass doesn't get it." And of course his friend Eijirou Kirishima didn't get it, he picked up on social cues worse than Icy Hot, and it wasn't like Katsuki was going to audibly explain to the kid that he wasn't interested in skirts or bra's or lipstick and well, girls. And he certainly wasn't about to explain that in his third year at UA, he felt his stomach get all flimsy when he caught Izuku Midoryia looking over and staring at him, or when he saw the nerd shirtless and kickboxing after class. "Whatever, I'll just run my errands alone today," Katsuki proclaimed, reaching to grab a towel as he stepped out of the shower into his room, where picked up his phone mindlessly to check the weather before seeing a flood of messages and news notifications.

"What the hell is going on?" He groaned, praying his stupid boss wasn't trying to call him in for some case on his day off, so deliberately ignoring his messages, Katsuki checked the weather to see that he was correct in noticing that winter had surely arrived this morning, seeing that the temperature was fondling zero degrees. Lazily, he went back to his messages and his eyes widened to see it wasn't just his work that had texted him, but all of Japan might as well have. He turned on his television to see if some villain did some major attack last night, but his phone, his towel, his body, everything dropped to the floor when he saw the news title.

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