Izuku has a mental breakdown and does some hot girl shit

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Izuku huffed out a sigh, the person laying in the grass wasn't moving, hell, at this point they seemed more dead than him. Not to mention the black box dye he had picked up from the supermarket was now whispering in his ears to run home and coat his whole head with it. He just barely began picking up his right foot to leave, when the ground where the person was laying rustled. Izuku's body froze, he turned to look back at the person, just as their voice shredded through the darkness like diamonds.

"You dumbass, why am I the only one speaking?"

It was a hoarse voice, thick with sorrow and sobs. It cracked into choking tears halfway through the short sentence. A sentence that was spoken up into the stars. A voice that made Izuku sprint.

He ran, ran down streets with lights, ran down roads with cars, he ran. The frigid night air didn't tickle, it burned and bruised his throat, it froze his chest, his body. But Izuku didn't stop moving. He wasn't even careful as he pushed off the side of a building, hurdling himself by the window of his own room. His hand shaking and glued to his mouth. His window shut behind him as the cardboard bags dropped at his side, and with no more than a second thought, he lurched to the bathroom, heaving his body over the sink.

Izuku was freezing, yet sweat poured from every exposed gland possible. He needed to vomit and scream at the exact same time, his body curdling up every emotion and dumping it onto him in a bucket of ice water. What could have possibly gotten this reaction out of him?

Katsuki fucking Bakugo.

Sitting by his grave.

Sobbing by his grave.

Every night, for the past twelve days.

Fucking christ, Izuku would need more than hair dye to fix this.

Shakily Izuku pushed himself off the sink, which he had been leaning on so hard that the thing was creaking. He stripped off his shirt and jacket overtop, leaving it disregarded on the bathroom floor. From there, he mumbled something to himself about how he needed to pull himself together as he grabbed the supermarket bags and began putting their contents away. For once in Izuku's life, he didn't think. His mind wasn't racing at all, rather there wasn't a thought in sight. In a daze his body moved throughout the rooms, until only hair dye, a bowl, and a sleeve of packaged chocolate brownies remained on his countertop. He snatched them away and moved to his bedroom.

He could finally breathe again once he saw that the graveyard footage was empty, not a Bakugo in sight. And so, with this new found oxygen intake, the routers in Izuku's head started spinning again; he grabbed his old phone and a laptop, before ducking into the bathroom. On the toilet seat he placed his laptop down and turned on a live news feed channel, which had nothing more to report than old sports games at two in the morning. In the mean time, he peeled open the hair dye box and started mixing together the contents in a manner that would make any hair stylist cringe.

"This is definitely how you do this," Izuku murmured out loud as he lathered the thick paste onto his hair, with only the protection of sheer pink latex gloves that would probably be the right size for an infant. "Now how long does this take to set?" When the air around him didn't respond, Izuku stripped off the gloves and checked the box, before groaning and seeing 'Three Hours' in bold pink ink on the box. And at the ripe hour of two thirty-five in the morning, Izuku Midoryia lay in his bathtub trying not to think about Katsuki.

Only that, was impossible.

Izuku had been crushing on the boy since the dawn of time. It started as a child, when he simply looked up to Katsuki, he couldn't tell if he wanted to just be his friend, or be Katsuki himself. It wasn't until sometime in the early days of middle school, did Izuku realize that there had always been a third choice in that predicament. He wanted to be with Katsuki. Not just as a friend. But ironically so, just as he had realized what those feelings meant, Katsuki no longer wanted any part of Izuku, and so the lovely rampage of being bullied by his crush throughout middle school began. Yet in the back of Izuku's mind, he was still greatful to know that Katsuki at least acknowledged every single day, and in some twisted, he was happy for that.

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