I swear you guys think I'm such an asshole at least have some faith in me

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One Year Later

Katsuki Bakugo adjusted his dark tie, looking in the single stall bathroom mirror. He heaved out a shaky breath, rolling his head back in an attempt to crack his neck again, as if he hadn't done so moments prior. He was stressed to say the least. Adjusting his tie once more, Katsuki wrinkled his nose. He didn't enjoy suits all that much, but Mina had begged him to at least try to look formal for tonight, so it was no surprise when a mysterious package containing a suit had arrived at his house just days ago.

"Tie or no tie?" He clicked his tongue and yanked on the black tie. Katsuki looked as though he was in mourning clothes, although it did seem rather fitting due to the circumstances of this event.

"Bakugo two minutes till you come out!" A woman's voice shouted from outside the bathroom door. Katsuki rolled his eyes and straightened his suit. No tie it is. He exited the bathroom where the woman who had called him swayed on her feet. Katsuki swallowed back a groan, it wasn't the time or place for her to be blushing like a ridiculous child. He gave her a subtle nod before brushing past her and to a door, stealing one last breath, he unbuttoned the top two buttons of his white suit and reminded himself he was doing this for one reason and one reason alone.

Though that reason wouldn't be in the crowd watching him tonight.

The door swung open as Katsuki walked onto a stage platform where one podium stood on it and thousands of chairs sprawled out on the floor below. Some of the chairs were grouped together in tables where he saw a group of his old friends eating causally and sipping on small champagne glasses in their winter apparel. Katsuki did his best to look like he had ignored Mina's glare at his lack of tie and unbuttoned shirt and cleared his throat. Chatter died down as he gave a soft wave to the crowd, straightening up in front of his podium. Tonight Katsuki Bakugo was to give a speech and mingle around a big party in celebration of the first anual anniversary of the abolishment of Japan's old and flawed Pro Hero Coorperation. But not a soul sitting in the crowd knew, that this was also the exact same date when Izuku Midoryia had fallen limp in Katuski's hands after being shot by his old agency.

*Five Hours Later*

Katsuki was cripplingly tired and shockingly sober when he opened his home door, yawning and hanging up his suit jacket as he kicked off his shoes by the front door. He pulled up his dress shirt's sleeves and closed his eyes steadying himself as lips gently grazed his cheek.

"Darling you did great tonight, I'm sorry I couldn't be there, but it's not quite my type of event." A woman's voice softly spoke as Katsuki opened his eyes and turned to her. He gave her a light smile and walked towards the kitchen, grabbing a cup of iced water on the counter. The woman appeared across the kitchen island, patting down her apron and running her fingers through her green hair as she yawned.

"Is Eiji still awake, I have to run out for a dinner in a couple moments?" Katsuki asked placing the cup down. In honesty, he was sick and tired of being out all day, and even though it was scarcely eight, he was prepared to turn in for the night. The woman disappeared down the hallway, presumably running to get Eiji, who probably should have been asleep an hour ago, yet she undoubtedly had kept him up for Katsuki.

"Eiji, say hi to Daddy before bedtime," Cooed the woman holding a small baby boy, hardly a few months old and with a sprinkling of dark fuzzy hair on his head. His face was chubby and his cheeks red, his caramel colored eyes opened and closed lazily as the baby boy wavered between sleep and being awake, but it wasn't a moment before Katsuki's face lit back up with color from staring at the boy. His son.

"Eiji! Aww you stayed up for me," He sang rushing over to the boy and taking him into his arms, lightly kissing his forehead. Some soft noise escaped from the baby's mouth as he snuggled in closer to Katsuki. "Thank you for keeping him up, do you mind if I set him down now?" The woman smiled and told Katsuki of course, and that she would grab him a coat before he left for his dinner, as of now he was already late. Katsuki only responded with a chuckle as he walked down the hallway and set his son down in his crib, turning off the bedroom light, and shutting the door as quietly as possible. He knew by the time he would return home, Eiji would no doubt be sobbing and keeping Katsuki and the woman up for another all nighter.

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