Izuku is team Iron Man because I said so

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Izuku blew his breath into the cold darkening air. It was hardly seven, but in the winter months that was dark enough to dim the life of everything around him. He was a little over a mile away from The Sir Nighteye Memorial Hero Agency, the one he had chosen to start his work in all those months prior. And the same agency that had shot at him back in his apartment. And the same Agency he was going to take down, along with the rest of the Hero Corporation.

He whisked himself away through the alleyways, away from all public sight, tossing and turning around debris and whatever else lay in front of him as he regained his energy. The thing about Izuku's speed burst back there, it only was really efficient for ten seconds give or take. After that he needed to recharge a while before using it once more, but right now Izuku was thankful for that short break. He needed time to think, before he broke back into his old office, and finished everything he had worked for in these past weeks.

"I wonder what I'll do after that?" Izuku hummed to himself, bringing his jacket closer as a cold draft danced its way through his alley. Originally, he had planned to coming back into society immediately after, but he doubted after exposing a whole corporation he would be able to live freely without a target on his back. At least at first. And there was still a lot of work to be done after tearing down the corporation, Izuku would need to build something better in it's place. Something that didn't label good people like him vigilantes.

And while the logical response of staying behind the shadows for a little longer, until everything settled down reigned over Izuku's mind, there was still the nagging thought of Katsuki. Izuku wanted to see him, he wanted to clear the air and the wonder of what was really going on between the two. And though he doubted it would be easily, it didn't stop the feeling that Izuku held deep in his chest for Katsuki, the feeling he would upturn the world to finally be with him.

Izuku took the rest of his time weaving through the alleyways, he was far slower than he should have been, so slow in fact, he arrived at his old agency right around the time that the broadcast ended, and all of Japan would be sitting in their homes, finally knowing the truth of something that was supposed to only offer them protection. As Izuku saw the gleaming lights of his agency, he closed his eyes. It wasn't like this time he was going to be able to waltz through the hallways just as he did at the apartment. Though that had been badass, he had to admit, Izuku had held the element of surprise in his palm that time around, unfortunately that had seeped through his fingers by now. So Izuku stood on the side entrance of the agency, seven stories above him sat his own personal office. He could even pinpoint it now, bright orange curtains stood out against the darkness, an item that had came with the room, and Izuku refused to change.

You could guess why.

"I'd need a running start to make it up, and with this much momentum I could break through the window easily, even if it's bulletproof," He murmured to himself, pacing silently in the dark. But an issue still remained, in the room next door, despite the black curtains being mostly drawn, light still seeped through the sides. Meaning, that there was a solid chance that someone was residing in the room next to Izuku's. "You don't have time to stand around and wait." He blew out the warm air from his mouth onto his hands, staring up at the window as he slowly began stepping backwards. All he could hope for now is that he would be able to channel his inner grace and beauty for this next move. And so, Izuku sucked in a long breath, and then rocketed.

It was so dark, so cold, and so quick that if someone had even tried to catch a glimpse of Izuku moving up the building like wind, they wouldn't be able to see it. He rocketed off the ground and dashed up the side, past windows and cement siding, until eventually, over seventy feet in the air Izuku tucked his legs to his chest, and in a split second extended them out, crashing through his window, the orange curtains waving in the wind behind him. Once he rolled down and crouched below his desk he waited for noise and shouting to come from people around him. But the floor seemed calm and quiet, and after what must've been at least three minutes of silent waiting, Izuku finally let himself breathe and stood up over his desk.

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