Chapter 2: Jake's Sorrow

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Jake's POV:

I joined to sing for Daisy, and that's what I'm gonna do. Whatever they're using me for, I'm not gonna let them get in my way! Heck, Hailey can't even sing without me because of her stupid stage fright, and they probably wouldn't stand a chance without me! They should be grateful that I joined them in the first place! They should have known from the moment I joined that I wouldn't be a music freak.

I said these words eight years ago. To people who I cared about more than anything. I've never regretted anything more than this. I should've listened to Hailey. She was right. Drew and my other friends were toxic. Sometimes I wish I could've gotten the chance to explain myself. Not that it would have done anything anyway. I wish things were different. That I was still friends with the music club. But now they're long gone. For all I know, they could be on the other side of the world! God knows what they're up to these days. I only wish I was a part of it.

Since then, I knew I had to mature. I gave up on friends. All my previous attempts failed anyway. I wanted to quit singing as well. It cost me so much. But I still enjoy doing it. Now, I just have a boring job at a Technician company. Just trying to pay the bills. My life's not how I wanted it to be. When I was younger, I had dreams of becoming a singer, touring the world and making music that made people happy. But, life isn't that nice. Especially not to me. 

I was stacking boxes in the back. One of the many things I had to do. I got this job purely out of luck, and I didn't want to lose it. I'd been fired from more jobs than I can count. I couldn't lose this one. I'd never get hired ever again. My resume wasn't good. But they were low on staff.

Lia also worked there. Fun fact about Lia and me. We started dating. Although, I'm not sure why. I don't like her much. But I started dating her in college. I had the image in my mind that having a girlfriend might fill some hole inside me. It didn't work out with Daisy. She liked Sean, and you already know what happened with Hailey. 

"Jake," Lia said from behind me. She was helping me stack boxes as well. "Yeah?" I said carelessly. "Our boss just sent everyone a group text. They just hired some new girl." I was barely paying attention to her. "Oh, wow. That's cool." I replied in a very monotone voice. Lia wasn't a fan of this attitude I'd picked up. "Jake! Are you even listening to me?" She scolded. This was enough to snap me out of my daze. "Huh? Oh, uh, yeah! I'm listening!" I laughed. "Well, you're not acting like it." She groaned. 

"Who's the new girl?" I asked her. "I forget her name. Check your phone. He told us there." And with that, she left. Leaving me alone in the storage room. She's moody. I thought as I took my cracked phone out and opened the group chat my boss had made. 

My stomach dropped reading the message.

All right everyone! How are you? Doing good, I hope. I have some very exciting news! We've hired a new installment for our team. Ms. Hailey Austin. Please welcome her with open arms, and treat her with respect! Now back to work.

"H-Hailey?" I said aloud. It couldn't be Hailey-Hailey, could it? No, that's impossible. I'm sure it's just some other Hailey who happens to have the same last name as her. Right? I put my phone back in my pocket and began walking to my office. 

When I got there, I saw my boss leaning on my desk. "Ah, Jake! Fancy seeing you here!" He said, straightening himself up. "Hello, sir." I greeted him. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Jake, you're one of our best employees," He began. My heart stopped. "Wait - you're not firing me, are you!?" He laughed. "No, no! Of course not. Why would I? I just gave you that raise after all." I smiled as relief hit me like a wave. "I just wanted to let you know that you'll be sharing your office with our newest recruit." He grinned.

"Oh, I am?" He nodded. "Yes, yes. But don't worry. I'm sure she doesn't bite." He laughed again. "She'll be here soon. One moment." He dashed out the door quickly. I sat down behind my desk. Taking short breaths. 

"Calm down, Jake," I told myself. "It's not her. It's not her." I repeated it over and over again and was finally able to calm myself down. I heard a knock on my door and saw Lia standing there. 

"Did you get fired? You looked stressed." She sat down on the corner of my desk. "No, I'm okay." I smiled. "What did boss want to talk about?" She asked me. "He just told me that I was sharing my office with the new girl." Lia grinned.

"Oh, all right," She said. "Funny, though. Isn't it?" I gazed at her. "What's funny?" Lia bit her lip to stop herself from laughing. "I mean, she has the same name as that Hailey from high school. You know, the one that kicked you out of that freak singing club."

Lia didn't know that I was still sensitive about the subject. I wanted to tell her to shut up. But I controlled myself. "Yeah. I remember her." I said darkly. Lia chuckled. "That would be so funny if it was her, though. Wouldn't it?" I fakely laughed along with her. "Heh. Yeah, that would be funny."

After a while, Lia left and I started doing work. I was completely unfocused when my boss knocked on my door. "Jake," He said. "Oh, hello, sir," I said. "Meet your new co-worker!" He stepped aside, letting her come into view. I think my heart genuinely stopped for a second. I recognized her long wavy blue hair that was still stuck in a ponytail. And her coal-black as that still looked as precious as the day I hurt her.

It was her.


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