Chapter 15: Mystery and Truth

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Third-Person POV:

"Zoey, why do you need both belts? They look the same!" Drew complained to Zoey, who held two identical belts in her hand. "They're not the same! This belt -" She raises the belt in her right hand - "is a shade darker. And, there are six fewer sequins than the other one!" Drew groaned, rubbing his forehead. 

"Does it matter how many sequins it has?" Zoey scoffed. "It's like you want me to look bad in front of my boss!" Drew sighed. "All right, fine--you can get both." Zoey squealed in delight and hugged the magenta-haired man. 

"Is that Jake?" Drew turned around to see his now-friend walking toward them. He looked angry and upset at the same time. "What did you do now?" Zoey giggled. Jake came up to the couple and stopped. 

"Jake, you all right?" Jake breathed heavily. "Daisy blackmailed you, didn't she?" Drew and Zoey's eyes widened. Zoey bowed her head in shame. "I didn't think you'd find out," Drew admitted. Jake looked up, giving Drew and Zoey a perfect view of his messy face. 

"She's insane. You have to help me. She set Hailey's house on fire, she framed Luke and Zander for a crime she committed and now they're in jail! And. . . she made them hate me again. And Lia's working with her now."

Drew and Zoey looked shocked. "I knew she was crazy, but I didn't think she was that crazy. And Lia? Why would Lia work with that psychopath?" Jake looked down at the dirty mall floor. 

"We'll help you, Jake," Drew said suddenly. Jake looked up. "Yeah, why not," Zoey smiled. "I've always wanted to see that two-time liar get what she deserves." Jake grinned.

"Okay! But, Hailey, Sean, and Milly all think I framed Luke and Zander," Drew nodded. "I told you they weren't good friends, Jake," 

"Not now, Drew," Jake scoffed. "We have to get them out of jail--it's the only way Hailey'll trust me again!" Zoey put the belts she was holding down. 

"And how are we supposed to do that?" Jake scratched his head, thinking of any possible way to prove their innocence. "Oh!" Drew said suddenly. "I have a friend who works for the jury. If we can convince her that Daisy is guilty, she'll have to let Luke and Zander go." 

Jake smiled. "All right, and where is this friend?"

"Stacy?" Jake gasped as the navy-haired woman sat down in front of him. "Hey, Jake. Good to see you." She smiled. "I didn't know you worked here," Jake said quietly. Stacy chuckled. "Whatever you got to do to pay the bills, Jake."

Drew cut into their conversation. "Um, anyway, Stacy, we're here for something important." Stacy straightened herself up. "Luke and Zander got arrested." She gasped. "Luke? Why would Luke get arrested! And Zander too, I guess." She mumbled. 

Jake rolled his eyes. "They were framed. It was Daisy." Stacy looked confused. "Daisy? But Daisy is so nice? Why would she commit a crime, and why would she frame Luke?" 

"And Zander?" Jake added.

"Yeah, and Zander." She groaned.

"It's a facade. She's a psycho!" Zoey exclaimed. Stacy looked puzzled. "This doesn't make sense. I was friends with Daisy in high school. She was so nice to me!" 

Zoey laughed. "Yeah, she's a really good actor. She should've won the Oscars." Stacy flipped through some papers on her desk. "Come on, Stacy. Do you believe that Luke would smuggle drugs?" Stacy looked up at Jake and blinked. She sighed.

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