Chapter 13: Up In Flames

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(T/W: Mentions of smoking and fire)

Third-Person POV:

A car pulls up to Hailey's house. A figure steps out, lightly puffing on a cigarette. They approach the household, the sky above them slowly turning dark. They remove the cigar from their mouth, walk over to a patch of dry bush in front of the home, and flick the cigar into the bushes. Being dry, the bushes almost immediately catch fire--spreading by the second.

They hurry back into their car, driving away as the flames grow larger. 

Jake's POV:

My squeaky front door opened. It was dark inside my house, but I could see the outline of Lia sitting on the couch. I hang my coat up on the wall and approach her.

"Hey," I say quietly. She doesn't take notice of my presence and keeps her gaze locked on the window as faint rumbles can be heard outside. 

"Look--I'm sorry about today," Lia didn't say anything. "But Hailey is my friend. And. . . I just got her back. I don't want to lose her again."

Lia placed a cup of hot chocolate on the table beside her. She finally faced me. Her eyes were watery and she looked distressed and angry. 

"You like her, don't you?" Said Lia in a strained voice. "What?" Lia takes a deep breath and stands up. 

"I know you like Hailey. You always have." Her voice is becoming angrier. "No, I don't--" I try to say, but Lia cuts me off.

"I know that you don't love me. You only dated me out of pity, didn't you!" A tear falls down Lia's face. "Lia, I--" 

"You know, I actually loved you. I thought you and I would be together for a long time. I thought we'd be happy and maybe we'd even grow old together. But you used me to make yourself feel better, didn't you? You thought "oh, I'll get Lia to be my girlfriend so I don't feel like a loser." It meant nothing to you, didn't it? Do you know how many nights I stayed awake worrying for you? How much I sacrificed for you? I ignored what everyone said about you because I loved you. I guess everyone was right. You are a selfish jerk who only cares about yourself. Tch, you deserved to be kicked out of that club--you deserved to lose all your friends."

I couldn't do anything but stare. I wanted to speak, I wanted to explain myself. But it was like the words were stuck in my throat and I couldn't get them out. I never meant to hurt her.

All I could do was stare at her tear-stained face.

She scoffed and ran into the bedroom, I followed her. 

"Lia, c'mon, let me explain--" I wasn't cut off by her words this time, but by her hand striking my face. 

"No, Jake. I don't need your half-hearted apologies. We're done. You should be happy, you can be with Hailey now. That's what you've always wanted, right?" She grabbed her bag and ran past me.

"Lia!" I called after her, but she ignored me. She ran out the door, slamming it so hard a picture fell off the wall. 

I stood there. Trying to process what had just happened. 

. . .

It wasn't long after until I was in my car driving to Hailey's. I didn't have anyone else. I didn't feel like talking to Drew about this. 

Driving there, I couldn't stop thinking about what Lia had said. I was a jerk. I had been using her. I felt like such an idiot. But, Hailey would understand, right?

I tried to think peaceful thoughts. 

My windows were rolled down and turning onto Hailey's street I could smell smoke. I figured someone was having a campfire and brushed it off.

After a few more turns, the smell got stronger. Then I saw it.

Hailey's house.

On fire.

I jumped out of my car, not stopping to turn it off.

"Oh my god, Hailey!" I shouted I could hear sirens in the distance and a small crowd was forming around it. 

I ran up to a woman who had two kids with her.

"Ma'am! Do you know if anyone has left that house?"

The woman looked at me with fear in her eyes. "No, I don't think so."

I felt my heart break. Oh my god, she's still in there. I darted past the crowd of people and busted through the front door. The smell of smoke immediately stabbed its way into my chest. "Hailey!" I shouted. I heard coughing upstairs. "Hailey!" I yelled, my vision becoming blurry and skin becoming hot. 

I ran up the stairs. "Hailey! Hailey, where are you!?" I shouted. It was getting harder to move, the flames were growing. I heard coughing coming from a bedroom. With what little strength I had left, I kicked the door open.

Hailey is in there on her knees, coughing. I ran up to her and take her into my arms. "J...Jake?" She mutters. "It's all right." I manage to say. The house is getting weaker. I lift her up and help her walk downstairs, the smoke is unbearable. 

Finally, we get out of the house. We both collapse onto the ground, hacking and coughing like no tomorrow. Fireman ran over to us and help us. They lead us into the back of ambulances where they place oxygen masks on us.

I watch as Hailey's house crumbles under the flames. The fireman around trying their best to put it out. I see Hailey. Her face is covered in smoke, her hair is tangled and she smells of fire.

But, she's alive. She's okay.

A fireman approaches me. "What you did was really brave," He said to me. "If you hadn't gone in and gotten her, she might've died. We wouldn't have gotten here in time."

I nod--it's all I can manage. "We'll have to take you to a hospital. You both ingested a lot of smoke--and you're both injured." I nod again.

Hailey's eyes are closed now. I smile before also succumbing to the darkness. 

Third-Person POV:

"Glad you could join me, Lia," Lia takes a seat in front of the mysterious figure. "How was your breakup?" The person says, taking notice of Lia's puffy red eyes. "Why did I have to do it?" She says. The person laughs. "Oh, sweetheart, it's all part of my plan. Don't worry, you'll be rewarded in the long run."

The person snaps their fingers as a waiter comes over with two glasses of wine. "It's all coming together, don't worry." The person takes a sip of wine. 

"There's just one more thing I need you to do," Lia looks up at the figure. The person tosses her a photo. 

"Do you know them?" Lia takes a minute before nodding. "Yes. Jake was at their wedding." The person smiles. 

"Yes. You see, they'll be coming home soon, thanks to me," The person takes another sip of wine, finishing off the drink. "And I have a little surprise waiting for them."

Lia eyes the figure. "What kind of surprise?" Lia asks. The figure smiles.

"You'll see."

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