Chapter 4: Moving On

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Jake's POV:

The door to my apartment creaked open. So loudly, I feared it would fall off. It was a small place. Only two rooms. The living room and kitchen shared a room, while my bedroom was so small, it could only fit my bed and a mirror. I kept most of my belongings out front. I hung my coat by the door, kicked off my shoes and walked into my excuse of a home. I was feeling pretty hungry, so I scoured my cabinets for food. All I managed to find was an almost-expired bag of Instant Noodles. "This'll do," I mumbled to myself as I began fumbling around my kitchen. 

Dinner was as unpleasant as it sounds. I was watching TV in the other half of the room when my phone buzzed. Lia was texting me. I wasn't in the mood to talk to her, but she'd get all offended if I didn't answer. 

Lia🐻: How was your reunion with Hailey? ;) 

Jake❤️: It was fine.

Lia🐻: Oh, really? I thought you'd be a mess! You were in high school.

Jake❤️: Well, we're not in high school. She means nothing to me.

 Lia🐻: Damn, okay. I wasn't asking if you liked her.

Jake❤️: I'm really tired, Lia. Good night. 

Lia🐻: Yeah, see you tomorrow. Don't let her get to you. 

 Jake❤️: I won't. 

Lia🐻: Love you! ❤️❤️

I packed my phone up and went to bed. As I lay there in the darkness, I thought about what Hailey said earlier that day about how she quit singing. I felt bad. I thought she was going to presume singing when she was older. I felt guilty thinking about it. Had she quit because of me? And what I did. I knew I should've gone to the band competition. Drew and my other friends convinced me into skipping it. I knew it was a mistake. I should've listened to my gut. I carefully listened to the bustling sounds of the city before finally drifting off to sleep.

Hailey's POV:

I was having a peaceful night out with my friends. Milly, Sean, Luke, and Zander. We were just walking around town, stopping at various places to eat, shop, or just look around. I was having fun and had completely forgotten about Jake.

"So, Hailey. How did that job interview go?" Sean smiled at me. I was confused for a moment then realized. Zander hadn't told them. They didn't know I got it, and they didn't know about Jake. "Oh, um, yes! It went well." Milly grabbed my arm tightly out of excitement. "Did you get it?" She asked, her red eyes bulging. "Yeah, yeah, I did." Milly whooped, throwing her hands into the air. "I knew you would," Sean said. I noticed Zander was looking fairly upset. I sighed and stopped walking. 

"Guys, wait," I said, defeated. They all stopped and looked at me. "There's something I need to tell you," I said. Luke and Zander didn't look too surprised, as they already knew what I was going to say. "Jake's also working there," I said after a few seconds. 

Milly and Sean didn't say anything. "Jake, who?" Milly finally said. I wasn't sure why, but I felt a little annoyed at this. "Jake Sterling - " Milly yelled, cutting me off. "That Jake!?" She screamed. Sean looked shocked. "Out of all the Jake's in the world, you're working with the jerk that stabbed us in the back?" She seemed angry. Zander looked content at her reaction. "Yes, but c'mon, Milly, you can't still be mad at him, can you? It was eight years ago!" Milly paused for a moment. 

"He hurt us, Hailey. Of course, I'm still angry. I'm surprised that you're not." She eyed me oddly. "I moved on. And you should too." I scolded her. She looked irritated. "Hailey's right," Sean said, catching us all off guard. "It was years ago. We shouldn't still be holding a grudge. We're adults now. We should be able to forgive him, shouldn't we?" I was thrilled to hear Sean agreeing with me. 

"I guess you're sort of right," Milly said. Zander looked mad again. "I'm not." He said sternly. "Zander," Luke mumbled. "No, Luke. I'm not forgiving that jerk! He doesn't deserve it." I hated the way Zander talked about Jake, just a month ago, I wouldn't have minded as much. But after reuniting with me and seeing that years later he was still sorry, I couldn't help but snap.

"God, Zander! Stop being so childish! It was eight years ago! It doesn't matter anymore, just drop it! We're not in high school, so stop being so petty! Move on with your life!" They all looked shocked at my outburst. Zander didn't open his mouth for the rest of the night.

I felt bad. I didn't mean to yell at him. I was just frustrated, and tired. I would've never normally done it. 

Jake's POV:

I was just working at my desk when Hailey walked in. She looked tired and was walking slowly. "You all right?" I asked her. She looked at me for a few seconds before responding. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just tired." She yawned, fumbling with her office door. She walked in slowly and plopped behind her desk. "The last person she'll want to see is me," I said and started getting back to work. 

A few hours passed and I was completely focused on work. I snapped out of my daze realizing that Hailey was across from me. I looked over and only saw the tip of her blue hair. I knocked on her door and she didn't move. I opened it. "Hailey?" I said quietly. I walked over to her desk and saw her peacefully sleeping. I smiled seeing her. I then remember that I had a blanket in the back of my car. Luckily, I had just washed it. 

I ran out to the parking lot, grabbed it, and ran back inside. I went back over to her, she was still sleeping soundly. I smiled and draped the blanket around her shoulders. Before leaving I flicked the lights in her office off. 

"Sweet dreams."

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