Chapter 14: A Psycho's Lies

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Hailey's POV:

I woke up to the sound of beeping around me. My body hurt and my vision was being attacked by white smudges. After a few minutes of unobstructed blinking, I could finally see normally. I was in a hospital room. "What the. . ." I muttered to myself, sitting myself up on the hospital bed where I lay.

A nurse came into my room. "Oh good, you're awake." He smiled when he saw me. I rubbed my forehead, it was killing me. "What happened? Where am I?" The nurse took a seat on a chair beside my bed.

"You're in the hospital. You're house caught on fire while you were still inside. You could have died if it weren't for a man who saved you." I tried to remember the incident. My house caught on fire? And who saved me. 

"The man was also taken to the hospital." The nurse added, seeing my confusion. "Where is he?" I asked. The nurse stood up and left the room. A few minutes later he came back. . .

With Jake. 

"Jake?" I said when I saw him. He smiled at me. "Oh, so you know each other?" Said the nurse. "Um, yes, he's my friend," I said quickly. Jake looked down at the floor. "Can we have a minute alone with each other, please?" The nurse nodded, patted Jake on the back and left. Jake walked over to me and sat down on the chair the nurse had been sitting at moments earlier. "Jake, you saved me?" Jake's cheeks grew red as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well, I couldn't just let you die. Zander would kill me," He laughed. "What were you doing at my house anyway?" I asked him. Jake lowered his head. 

"Um, Lia broke up with me." He said slowly. I felt awful for him. "Oh, Jake, I'm so sorry," I grabbed his hand with my hand. "It's all right. I was going to your house to talk to you and I saw it on fire and.... yeah." Jake held my hand tighter. 

"I didn't know you would do that for me," I mumbled. Jake looked at me. "Of course, I would. Hailey, you're my friend." I smiled, leaning forward to hug Jake. He hugged me back and held me tight. 

We pulled away. "Thanks, Jake," I said, moving my crisp hair out of my face. "I smell like a campfire." I groaned. Jake chuckled. "Yeah, me too." I giggled. 

"So, do you think Zander will like me now?" I looked at him. "What do you mean?" Jake rubbed his neck again.

"I saved your life. Has to count for something, right?" I laughed. "Is that the only reason you did that? To earn Zander's approval?" Jake's face flushed red. 

"What? No!" I laughed. I stared into Jake's brown orbs. It wasn't long before we leaned together, pressing our lips together. I grabbed the back of his neck while he held my waist. We deepened the kiss, our lips moving in perfect synchronization. 


We separated immediately. I felt my stomach churn as Luke and Zander stood in the doorway. Zander looked furious while Luke looked confused. 

"Why are you two kissing!?" Zander yelled again. "Uh... April Fools!" Jake laughed and made finger guns at Zander. 

"It's June," He growled. "It is? Oh, yeah, it is. Totally forgot! You know, me, forgetful..." He chuckled. Zander clenched his fists into balls. 

"How long has this been going on?" Jake and I looked at each other. "We're not dating, okay?" I said. But that only made Zander madder. "So you're just casual lovers?" My face burned. "What? No! We've only kissed like... three times!"

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