Chapter 9: Did We Kiss?

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T/W: This chapter deals with sensitive subjects such as drinking, being drunk, and being hungover. If these topics make you uncomfortable--please skip this chapter. Do not feel obligated to keep reading.

Hailey's POV:

I couldn't stop thinking about what happened between Jake and me at the door. It was unlike me. I'm not the type of person to think irrationally, and I have good self-control. It wasn't like we had actually kissed--but if Milly hadn't interrupted us--what could have happened? Would Jake and I have kissed each other? I tried not to let these thoughts distract me from the movie but, every time I heard Jake laugh, I couldn't stop myself.

It was past midnight by now, and none of us had any plans of going to bed. We were sitting out in my background, on the porch, letting the night breeze blow against us as the crickets chirped in the background. 

"Okay, Jake, um, what was the creepiest encounter you've ever had with a stranger?" Said Milly. Jake paused for a moment, thinking about the question.

"I'd have to say the time some guy asked if I wanted to see pictures of his granddaughter." Milly laughed and slammed her hand on the table. "That's it? That's nothing! One time, this guy asked me to rub sunscreen on his back--and it was like-- seven at night."

We all looked at Milly in shock. "This is the first time we're hearing about this," Sean said slyly. Milly rolled her eyes.

A few more chatty minutes had passed. "Hey, Hailey? Do you have anything to drink? I'm dying of thirst right now." I giggled and gestured inside. "I have some beer in the basement, I think." Jake nodded and went inside. "Hey, Jake! Bring me up a bottle too, hm?" Milly called back, receiving a thumbs up from Jake.

I'm not sure what happened next, but soon enough, we were all drunk. Sean and Milly went inside to prank call strangers, and Luke had Zander had disappeared to who knows where. Leaving Jake and me alone outside. 

Me, being tipsy, decided to bring up the door incident. "So Jake, remember earlier when we almost kissed at the door?" I asked him. His face went pretty red and he looked embarrassed. "Yeah, I do." He said taking another sip of beer. 

"Well, I actually had a crush on you back in high school, before we stopped being friends for eight years." I laughed. Jake stared at me blankly. "Oh, wow, really?" He said loopily. I nodded and took another sip. "Yep," I chuckled. 

I looked up at the sky and stared at the moon. I felt like it was mocking me. "Well, I liked Daisy. What happened to Daisy?" Jake asked. I tried to recall. "I think-- she and Sean started dating and right now she's travelling the world with Sadie. Sean couldn't come because of work. She's coming back in a few weeks though." I said with a dazed look.

Jake didn't say anything but nodded. We stayed out in the silence for a few minutes longer. "I liked you a little bit, too," Jake said suddenly. "What?" I said. "I liked you a little bit too. In high school." I didn't say anything. Just stared at him like an idiot.

"That's good to know," I burped. Jake laughed. "You know, Jake? I'm glad we're friends again. I missed you." Jake smiled. "I'm also glad. I missed you too." 

I'm embarrassed about what happened next. It was sudden and strange. After a few minutes of small talk, Jake and I were back to staring into each other's eyes. We moved our faces closer and closer together until--

We kissed. 

It was a weird sensation. Never in my life did I think I would kiss Jake. After a few seconds, we pulled away. My mind was a jumble of thoughts. "I don't know why I did that," I said loudly. 

"Yeah. Me neither." Jake said. We kept staring at each other until I stood up and walked away. "I'm going to go find Zander," I yelled back at Jake. "Okay, that's cool." He smiled at me.

The memory ends after that. The only other thing I remember was spending the rest of the night with my head in a toilet bowl. 

Jake's POV:

I woke up with my head pounding. I felt like I had been hit on the head twelve times with a baseball bat. I groaned as I sat up--my vision was blurry and I felt nauseous. "Have fun at Hailey's?" Said a voice behind me that sounded louder than normal.

"Stop screaming at me, Lia," I rubbed my eyes. "What happened?" I asked her. Lia put down the book she was reading.

"You called me at four in the morning--you said that you were drunk and needed me to pick you up." She admitted. That sentence was enough to remind me of the events of last night.

Did I kiss Hailey?

I did kiss Hailey.

I kissed Hailey.

"Oh yeah--right," I muttered. "I already took the liberty of booking today off for you," Lia said casually. "Thanks," I said quietly.

"One more thing--Drew's mad at you." I stared at her blankly. "Mad? Mad at me?" Lia nodded. "What did I do?" I had to place a hand over my mouth to stop me from vomiting. 

"You slammed a door in his face--told him to leave you alone in a harsh way--and he was just trying to make things better between you two. You didn't have to act like that."

I didn't say anything. Overall, I felt guilty. She was right. And so was Hailey. I remembered what she told me last night. I should give Drew another chance.

"I'm sorry," I said softly. Lia chuckled.

"Don't say sorry to me." She walked out of the room.

I waited for a few moments before grabbing my phone.

I knew who I needed to call.

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