Chapter 12: Love At The Theatre

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Third-Person POV:

"Jake saw you," Said Sadie coldly as she and Daisy sat down for coffee. "He did?" Daisy breathed. "Yes, and he's getting suspicious about you. He asked me about it last night." Sadie took a sip of coffee, licking the access off her lip. Daisy tapped her fingers against the wood. "No matter, he can't prove anything anyway." She finished her drink and signalled for the barista to take it. "Maybe not. But what if he tells someone about it?"

Daisy chuckled. "Who? Hailey? And what makes you think she'll believe him?" Daisy glanced at the recently placed check. Sadie stayed quiet.

"If I'm not mistaken, which I'm normally not--they just became friendly again. They don't fully trust him yet, he knows that. And he also knows that telling them rumours about one of their close friends will only make things worse. And by the time they do trust him completely, he'll have forgotten about everything."

Daisy pushed the check towards Sadie. "I left my wallet at home." She admitted. Sadie grumbled, taking the check into her hands.

"And you're sure you're right?" Sadie cautioned her friend. Daisy grimaced. "I always am." 

Luke and Zander were upstairs--busy packing for their honeymoon. After lots of bickering--the newlyweds finally settled on going to Venice, Italy. Hailey was downstairs, scrolling through a brochure of the area they were staying in. 

"Luke sure knows how to pick a hotel," She giggled to herself. "They've got three saunas!" Hailey announced. Jake wasn't paying much attention to her. He couldn't stop thinking of Luke and Zander's wedding night--and what he had seen Daisy do.

Sadie's confusing response left him even more curious about their plan. Although he hadn't told anyone about it. He knew no one would believe him. 

"Jake? You all right?" Asked Hailey as she took a seat beside him. "Hm? Oh, yeah." Jake said quickly. Hailey knew that he was lying.

"Are you sure? You've been all spacey since the wedding," Jake said nothing. "Just. . . I'm here if you want to talk to me. All right?" Jake smiled at Hailey softly. "Thanks," He mumbled.

Luke and Zander came down the stairs, luggage in hand. "All right. Our taxi's here." Zander said. Hailey ran up and hugged him. 

"Have fun on your honeymoon!" She squeezed the latter. "But not too much fun~" Jake teased. Luke and Zander went red. "Shut up, idiot!" Zander yelled. Jake giggle as a honk from outside let the four inside know that the couple's ride was there.

"I'll miss you!" Hailey blurted as Zander and Luke slipped out the door, waving goodbye to the blue-haired woman. 

Once the yellow taxi was gone, Hailey turned herself to Jake. "So anything you want to do tonight?" Jake peeked his attention at the female.

"We could go to the movies, that new Spider-Man one just came out." She smiled. Jake nodded in agreement. "Yeah, sure." He complied. 

Hailey grinned, pulling out her phone. "I'll order the tickets!" Beamed Hailey, walking away from the other. 

Jake's phone buzzed. He looked down at the caller ID. It was Lia. 

Reluctantly, he answered. 

"Hello?" He said to the other line. 

"Jake! Where have you been?" Lia's shrill voice shouted from the other side.

Jake breathed heavily into the phone. "I'm at Hailey's." He said firmly. 

"God, why are you always over there?" Lia sounded angry. Jake knew immediately that she was jealous. 

"She's my friend, Lia." Lia huffed into the phone before hanging up, leaving a dysfunctional flatline in Jake's ear. 

Jake put his phone back into his pocket just as Hailey re-entered the room. "I bought us tickets for 8:30. Does that work?"

Jake smiled. "Yep. That's perfect."

Lia, furious, tossed her phone into her bag. "He never wants to do anything with me anymore!" She mumbled to herself. The bustling noises of the cafe around her seemed twice as loud. "Hello, ma'am. May I take your order?" Said a female voice behind her.

"I'll just get a coffee. Black, please." The barista nodded as she walked away for the black-haired girl. 

"Relationship troubles?" Came a voice from ahead. Lia looked up to see someone she wasn't expecting. 

"What are you doing here?" She snarled. The other person smiled. "I was in town." The voice said flatly. 

"I might've overheard your phone call. You and your boyfriend having problems?" Lia was hesitant to answer the figure. 

"Answer or not, I know the truth." The barista returned--coffee in hand. "Here you go, ma'am. Will that be all?" Lia took the drink from the barista's hands. "No, that's all. Thank you."

The barista nodded as she walked away from the pair.

"May I give you some advice?" Lia took a sip from her drink. "Depends. What advice do you have?" 

The person smiled. "Your boyfriend's not respecting you, is he? Well, that might be because he doesn't have a good reason too. Sure, you're dating--but he doesn't fear you. If you want your relationship to work, he has to know the consequences for ignoring you."

Lia licked her upper lip, these words roaming through her mind. "Then how do I get him to "fear me"?"

"What's something he cares about? Something he spends all his time with?" Lia's eyes widen. 

"Do you have it?" Lia nods. 

"Well, what do I do?"

The person smiles. "It's simple,"

"Take it away from him." 

. . .

"What did you think?" Jake asked Hailey as they exited the movie theatre. "It was all right. Didn't make much sense. And, who's Mysterio?"

Jake chuckled. "It didn't make sense because you haven't watched any of the other movies." Hailey blew a strand of hair out of her face. "I don't like superhero movies,"

Jake stopped their walk. "Then why did you want to see it?" He asked the shorter woman. "Because I thought you'd like it," Hailey admitted--her cheeks turning red. 

Jake felt his nose flare. "W-well, I did, actually," He smiled, rubbing the back of his neck. Hailey returned a small grin as they continued walking. 

"Thanks, by the way," Jake said suddenly. "For what?" Jake stopped and smiled again.

"For how nice you've been to me. I know how hard it's been to trust me again. And. . . I don't know. . . just . . . thank you."

Hailey's face was on fire. She stared into Jake's big brown eyes for what felt like forever. They couldn't separate their gaze. A sudden urge filled the two as they began moving closer together. 

Hailey's mind was a mess. She couldn't allow this to happen again--but she also didn't want to stop it. Jake's mind was more in control. He knew that Hailey didn't want them to become an item--but he couldn't stop either. 

Their lips pressed against each other for the second time. The kiss lasted longer than their previous one. Nothing else in the world mattered to them--only each other.

Finally, they separated. Gazing at each other with starry eyes. Could they let this happen? Zander would never allow it--and Jake was with Lia. Hailey snapped out of her thoughts and cleared her throat. 

"W-we, should probably, um, go, you know?" She chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah! I-I mean, um, yeah, sure." Jake returned a forced smile.

The two walked back to Hailey's car. Not daring to look at each other. But their minds thinking about one another.

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