Chapter 6

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Nothing can hurt a mother's heart more than losing their child. 

Chaeyoung fell into a black hole, she lost a part of her soul. Her mental health became unstable. She got through a wide range of emotions, from feeling numb to anger, sadness, confusion, and depression. Then came the physical pain, she couldn't sleep, lost her appetite, and cried till her eyes become dry.

She was supposed to be a mother, she made plans for Christmases and birthdays. Imagined how she and her little boy excitedly opened presents. How they will cook and play together... All ninth months of her pregnancy were centered on those dreams, her baby was the whole world... 

It's been ten months since she lost her baby... All this time she was in the hospital. The doctors tried to bring her back to life but everything was unsuccessful. They almost give up when one day a woman approached her therapist.

"The emotional blow Miss Park had after the loss of her baby led to a wide range of psychological and physiological problems including depression, anxiety, pain, and guilt.  All of these lead to a diagnosed psychiatric condition such as complicated grief disorder which can include many symptoms similar to post-traumatic stress disorder..." he explained with sadness, being there for a long time he worried a lot about her condition

"We tried everything... We even let her breasts feed one of the babies to activate her will of living but it made things worst..."

"Did anyone visit her here? At least friend...", the woman asked 

"Mmm, yes, there was someone... ", he remembers a couple visiting Chaeyoung and talking with them about her condition, " But... they rarely came since they were always on the flies..."

"Can I see her?...", 

They entered one of the hospital rooms. Chaeyoung was sitting on a chair with a doll in her hands, carresing it. Her eyes were glued to one of the corners of the room. There was no sign of life in them, only emptiness. She was like a corpse with a beating heart, her mind wasn't there, just breathing with no will to live...

"Chaeyoung, there's someone who wants to see you...", the doctor stepped aside letting the woman approach  Chaeyoung

"Did you see my baby? Look at him isn't he handsome? " she referred to the doll in her hands and the woman teared up at her sight.

"I am so sorry! Chaeyoung, I am so sorry to find you so late...", she fell to her knees next to Chaeyoung and started to cry

Chaeyoung turned her gaze to her and saw a beautiful woman with the same eyes as hers

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Chaeyoung turned her gaze to her and saw a beautiful woman with the same eyes as hers... Something shifted inside her.

"Are you my mom? Did you come to take me with you? I am finally going to my son?", a single tear fell from the corner of her eye 

The woman caressed Chaeyoung's hair, then pulled her in a tight hug, "Forgive me Chaeyoung... I... I am your mother's sister Sangeun,  and I came to take you out of here..."


Step by step Chaeyoung started to recover from her sorrow, she began going outside, eating slowly, and talking more often. Sangeun was her hope for a family, she resembles her mother so much that Chaeyoung imagined her as one... little by little she started to find her peace.

The grief she felt with the loss of her son changed with time, but it didn't go away, it become part of her. It changed her, now she will have those wounds all her life... the saddest thing is that she can't comfort herself with the thought of having another baby, cuz she no longer can...

Sangeun brought Chaeyoung to her apartment, and living together, she did her best to bring the sparkle in her eyes. 

Looking in Sangeun's old photo album, Chaeyoung saw a photo of her mom.

"Why I didn't hear about you from my parents?", she asked, there were many questions she wanted answers for

Sangeun sits beside her and looks at her sister's photo, "It happened before you even were born... Your mother didn't meet your father at that time... I fell in love with someone that wasn't from our league... He was from a very rich family and I was from an ordinary one, we were poor... Our families were against us being together, my sister too... she was afraid that he will break my heart after playing with me... ", she smiled sadly recalling the events of her past years

Chaeyoung knows what it feels like when everyone is against you... 

"They tried to separate us so many times ... One day I had a big fight arguing with them, it was so bad that they kicked me out of the house... And on the same day, we left the country not telling anyone... We lost all contact with our families... A first, it was hard to stay in an unknown country with no support, but we had each other, and our love was strong enough to help us survive", Chaeyoung wiped away the tears, unfortunately, her and Jungkook's love was not as strong, it was not enough ...

Sangeun saw the sadness on Chaeyoung's face and hugged her tightly giving her warm, she wanted to let her know that now they are together

"I am so sorry... If only I knew about my sister, I would have come sooner and none of these things would have happened... When my husband passed away... I started to search for her, I didn't want to lose someone again...", she detached herself and looked into her eyes, " We are going to start a new life, okay? I will erase all your sorrow from your life!", she said determined to make her life better.

Chaeyoung wants that too, she wants to escape from this darkness, and she will do everything to start a new...

Chapter 6...
Are you ready to find out how their lives have changed?

Thank you for reaching there!!!
Sorry for all the mistakes!!!

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