Part 8

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Janessa's POV

"What about my consent?"

Oh no what is he up to!?

"Excuse me?" The man said with a questioning tone. 

"Who gave you permission to lay your hands... on my son and my soon to be, but not for a while, daughter-in-law" Klaus was now wiping his imaginary tears from his face.

"Daughter-?" I began. 

Five gave me a side ways glance, and if looks 'could' kill, I'd simply be dead.

"What?" The man responded. Looking around for anyone, or anything to save him. 

"You heard him" I said playing along. 

He was now becoming very agitated. He glanced at the door twice before responding in a shaky voice. 

"I didn't touch your son... or your daughter" the man said looking at me. 

"Daughter-in-law" I corrected. 

"Oh really, well then, how did he get that swollen lip then?" Klaus said whilst pointing at the boy next to me.

I glanced a look at Five. 

Big mistake. 

Huge mistake.

His lip looked perfectly fine to me, well actually more than fine. 

Five cleared his throat, leaned in and whispered "Liking the view?" 


I looked away in embarrassment, not because I was staring, but because I got caught. 


There was something there playing on the corners of his mouth. A smile? No. Five never smiled. 

"Oh, and how did she" Klaus moved on to me. I grimaced, everyone's attention was drawn to me. 

"How did she get that bruise on her cheek?" Unlike Five, what Klaus stated about my cheek was true. I had a bruised, swollen cheek, from my boyfriend.

My boyfriend.. should I even call him that?... Angelo... where was he? Last time I'd seen him was before- I stopped myself before I got too far into that memory I wished to forget.  

"What? he doesn't have a swollen li-?" Lab coat man said whilst pointing at Five's worried face. Just as the man was finishing his sentence, Klaus stood up, and punched five square in the mouth...


My hands flew to my mouth, stifling a gasp. 

"I want it. Name, please now." Klaus taunted, sucking in a large breath. 

"You're crazy!" The man stated obviously. 

"You got no idea" I replied back. I looked up at the two Hargreeves, Klaus was puffing, obviously tired from his performance. Five had a grin playing on his lips. Huh? So the boy smiles.

I couldn't help but smile back.

Klaus then caught sight of what looked like a snow globe. 

I looked at Klaus, shaking my head slightly, giving him a warning glare. 

"Peace on earth, that's so sweet" he said in a sarcastic tone. 

He then did what any 'sane person' would do, he smashed the snow globe onto his head, making an even bigger fool of himself. I looked away from the blood. Squeezing my eyes shut, trying to get the image out of my head. 

So. Much. Blood.  

I grabbed the chair in-front of me for support. 

Think happy thoughts. Kittens, rainbows, Five- no!

A soft touch startled me. I could feel each fingertip lightly digging into my sleeve. 

I snapped open my eyes to see Five's hand on my arm. He looked at me with worry, and anguish in his smoke filled eyes. My heart fluttered. I softly shrugged out of his grip, trying to pay attention to what Klaus was up to. 

In a panicked fashion, the man picked up the phone and started to dial. After a few seconds, Klaus had caught up with reality. He ripped the phone out of the his hand and spoke into the receiver...

"There's been an assault, in Mr Bigs office, we need security, Now! Schnell!"

Klaus threw the receiver onto the desk and began speaking again.

"Now, here is what's gonna happen, Grant" Klaus started.  

"It's... Lance." He corrected. Klaus shrugged it off.

"Now, here's what's gonna happen. In about 60 seconds, two security guards are gonna burst through that door, and they are gonna see a whole lotta blood, and they're gonna wonder 'what the hell happened?' Klaus explained. 

I looked over at Five, he seemed impressed. I was just utterly dumbfounded. 

"And we're gonna tell them that you," Klaus jabbed his long finger at the man. "Beat the shit outta us, and her!" Klaus gasped in surprise.

I've got to give it to him, he was a genius. When he wanted to be.

"You're gonna do great in prison, Grant. Trust me I've been there." Klaus blabbered on. I decided to tune him out.

"Little piece of chicken like you, Oh, my god, you're gonna get passed around like a.." Klaus continued whilst moving his hips around, symbolizing Mr Grant, Lance what ever his name is. 

"You're just— You're gonna do great, that's all I'm saying." He said, in a neutering, mother like way. 

"You guys are sick bastards!" Lance exclaimed. 

"Thank you!" I replied. 


We were now waiting for Mr lance to find the information that Five needed, it was taking longer than necessary. After some time he finally found the one that he was looking for. I peeked a look at five from the corner of my eye, he had a confused look on his face, I looked back at Lance, his expression mirrored the boys. 

He finally spoke up, "That's strange" he uttered.

"What?" I said quickly. 

"Uh the eye, it hasn't been purchased by a client yet" Lance replied in a terrified, shaky voice. 

"What— what do you mean" Klaus questioned. 

"Well, uh... our logs say that the eye with that serial number... this can't be right. It hasn't even been manufactured yet." Lance answered.    

"Where did you get that eye?" We all looked expectingly at Five. He sighed.

You have got to be shitting me. All this. For nothing. Five must have gotten it from the 'future thing' that Klaus was telling me about. 


"Now what!" I fumed. I had become just as involved in this as Klaus. All that happened in there, It was just to find out that the very thing that could save us all was not even supposed to be manufactured yet. 

"Ya know Janessa, if I wanted to hear from an asshole... I'd fart!" He replied quickly.  

"That's real mature five!" I spat back at him.

He took in a deep breath, trying to hold back his words.

"No wonder your boyfriend hurts you! I would too if I had to spend five more seconds with you" he bellowed.  

I stopped breathing.

No. Please tell me he didn't say that. Tell me it was just my imagination. 




"Wow..." I scoffed. 

"Why would you say that?" 

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