Rick's Sacrifice Chpter 12

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Rick brought Lesley home early the following morning as promised but had the paramedics wait to bring her inside because he wanted to make sure that everything that was set for her surprise was ready and that the downstairs side room was ready with his private surprise that he knew she was gonna love. “ Alright she can be brought in now everything is ready and set.” Rick called out and everyone was quiet and ready to welcome her home.

“ WELCOME HOME LESLEY!!!” every one of their friends with the exception of a few who were still having to be at the hospital but had sent their love, had said as she was brought in from outside… and Lesley being as stunned and surprised as she was was lost for words but felt her eyes start to fill because of the amount of love and support that came from everyone that loved her. “ Rick….. How did you…. When…” Lesley couldn’t hide how she felt or hide the tears that were streaming down her cheeks as she was trying to find the words to the surprise that she came home to.

“ Lesley it wasn’t just me, everyone here pitched in to bring you home. Robert and Tiffany, Jessie and Audrey, everyone here to include the kids.. Lesley sometimes you forget just how much you’re loved around here…. But no one’s love will ever stick out more than mine for you” Rick finished his response and kissed her before going up to check on Riley and later bring him down from his nap and Lesley was settled on the couch with the help from her friends. 

A few hours after Lesley was brought home and had gotten settled, Lesley had finally fallen asleep on the couch after everyone had left and Rick had just put Riley down in his crib, Rick had just gone back downstairs to see if Lesley needed or wanted anything when he saw that Lesley was sleep on the couch. “ Lesley honey… l’m sorry sweetheart, would you like me to take you the side room so you could get some sleep?” Rick said as he lightly and gently rubbed on her arm.

In response of Rick's question, Lesley slightly nodded and started to doze back to sleep. Luckily It wasn't much with carrying Lesley and her portable ventilator for him that was easy, he only wanted to focus to help her get on to bed so she could get a good night's rest.

Rick made sure the main ventilator was on when switching so everything was fine before setting up the side futon couch so he could be by her side throughout the night. For Rick to have the chance to watch Lesley asleep or to be able to see her with the kids, he truly couldn't describe how it felt when he was able to bring Lesley home again because Lesley wasn't just some friend or colleague he worked with. Lesley was more than that to him. That was another point that Rick couldn't feel that he could describe.

Over the following week of being home, Lesley took it slow with interacting with the kids especially in the mornings before she had therapy because she wanted it to go smooth. While checking on Lesley, Rick made sure that the girls made their bus for school and shortly after he changed Riley's diaper before he went to see if Lesley needed anything.

" The kids are alright…. The girls left for school. They told me to tell you they love you and they'll see you later this afternoon and Riley's okay. He's waiting for me to come get him so he could see his stubborn, but beautiful mother." Rick eased beside Lesley after giving her a kiss and hoped he took care of her fears

" I've always loved how you know what I need or how I feel about something. You have always been able to know before I'd get a chance to talk…"

" I have always made it my job to know Lesley… I look at how life could've turned if I had lost you in the accident with Laura it didn't sit with me. Just a little while ago before bringing you home, I had to see it again and I almost wanted to go crazy because to think if I were to have to be here but without you…. I wouldn't be able to get through that." Rick admitted while helping Lesley sit up more.

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