Chapter 11

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Hello my pretties!! I am sooooo absolutely completely and utterly sorry for how long it's been since I last updated. I've had work and school and I only recently got internet so hopefully I'll be getting a laptop of my own soon so I can start writing again, because I really do miss it... Anyways, now for your long awaited Chapter 11!

Chapter 11

~Raksha's POV~

I almost fell to my knees at the realization that Gaara was dead. Had it not been for my own fury, I certainly would have fallen into the water beneath my feet. In the background, I could hear Naruto cursing at Deidara and Sasori. I couldn't blame him, I wanted to cuss at them as well. No, I wanted revenge, I wanted them and every other Akatsuki member dead for what they had done to Gaara.

Yes, I would make each and every last one of them pay. With their own lives.

Without a second thought, I launched myself at Deidara. Quick as ever, he dodged my first attack, but I didn't stop, I couldn't stop. We danced in a neverending series of movements. I would attack, he would dodge or counter. It was good, to let my anger out like this. If I wanted to, I could destroy the entire cave, but then that would mean my friends below-including Gaara's body-would be trapped under the debris if they didn't get out in time. And I didn't want that.

I landed with my back to the others, only 5 feet in front of them as I finally voiced myself, "You Bastards!" I screamed in agony as I once again looked at Gaara's unmoving corpse. "How could you?! I thought you were my friends! My family! We all had a deal! You could have killed me! Not Gaara... No, not Gaara... You'll pay! Every single one of you!"

Sasori nodded at Deidara. Pulling out something from his pocket, one of his giant clay birds formed. It gathered Gaara in its mouth. Deidara hopped on its back. Glancing at me, Deidara gave me a remorseful and pained look, "I'm sorry, Raksha." his bird flew into the air and out of the cave.

"No! Get back here you bastard!" Without a second thought, I ran after Deidara as fast as I could. I could hear Naruto right behind me, and Kakashi not too far behind as well.

Deidara continued on, with me hot on his tail. I could feel my hold on Gobi begining to slip, I could feel him start to try and take over me, but I wasn't giving in that easily, no matter how much I wanted to. I just couldn't, not with Gaara so close.

I was gaining on Deidara now, he was almost within reach.

The one in front isn't the only one you have to worry about. I heard Gobi say.

What are you going on about you damn dog?!

Look behind you.

Glancing back, I saw Naruto still trying to catch up. But I could tell something was off. His anger was growing, his hold was slipping like mine. But his was worse. With that one glance, I could tell his battle for control was already lost. The Nine-Tailed Beast's eyes shone in Naruto's

"Raksha!" I heard Kakashi yell,"Go on and catch Deidara, I'll take care of Naruto."

Only nodding, I refocused on the task ahead, on catching back up. While looking back at Naruto, I had slowed down in my persuit, Deidara was further ahead now than I liked.

As a result, I took my anger out on the trees I was jumping from. I pushed harder and harder to try and gain momentum that ended up leaving some holes in the branches where I pushed off.

"Raksha," Deidara called from ahead, "You know I have orders. I can't go against Pain. I didn't want to be the one to do this, but you're givning me no choice!" Opening his hand, he threw out three clay birds. Knowing him, I could only assume he had built them out of his explosive clay. The small figures grew larger.

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