Chapter 15

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I'd like to thank you all for your patience and support as you loyally continue reading. I really cannot convey into words how grateful I am to all of you for reading and following the story between Gaara and Raksha. So, without further ado, Chapter 15!

~Raksha's POV~

We spent the night out in the woods after Sasori's makeshift funeral. I was restless, my mind continued racing and racing long after everyone settled down to sleep.

Giving up on the hope of rest, I simply stared into the light of the fire. The dancing flames seemed to ease my subconscious. Something about it was just so... Soothing, calming. I needed my mind to settle, and the fire was doing an amazing job at helping to accomplish that.

My mind wandered back to Sasori and old memories we shared. It felt like a floodgate; once one memory came to mind the rest just gushed out. It was one memory after another-from the first time we met to the last time I had seen him. I didn't even get the chance to talk with him that day, I had been too busy chasing after Gaara when Deidara took him. I didn't even think about the possibility of never talking to Sasori again.

I thought back to the first time I had met Sasori.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FLASH BACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was running through the woods, trying to keep up with dad-Itachi Uchiha. Today was the day, he was finally going to introduce me to other members of the Akatsuki. Other members who would undoubtedly be able to make me stronger. Should they choose to train me, that is. First impressions were important, I knew that. If I could just get everyone to like me, I had a chance at learning something from everyone.

That was an opportunity I would gladly take advantage of. I had already met Pain, the leader. He seemed to take to me well enough. He let me join, after all. Well, after I had proved myself. He did seem a little reluctant, but came around after dad spoke on my behalf. It was going to be an honor meeting and training with some of the best rogue ninja out there.

I needed to become stronger, I had to. It was the only way to accomplish everything I need to do. I ran the names dad had given me through my head again. He said today, I would only meet two members because everyone else was busy.

Today, I would meet Sasori of the Red Sand and Deidara the Explosion Artist. Dad had previously told me that Deidara held a strong hatred towards him for defeating him in a fight using his Sharingan when Sasori, him, and Kisame went to recruit him. He would more than likely prove difficult to persuade to train me, but I was sure I could do it.

Dad slowed down as we reached the meeting point. I could make out two figures ahead. My good hearing picked up on their words before I could make out details about their appearances.

"Why are we meeting some little brat Itachi brought to the group? Why should we even care?" one grumbled.

"Just don't be an ass, Deidara. We're here on Pain's orders. So shut it." that must've been Sasori. His voice was deep and rough. He sounded older, unlike Deidara's, which was young and smooth. We got close enough to see more of them now, one seemed to be either really short and fat, or hunched over. He wore a beige hat that covered his face, so I couldn't really see any details, but the other one; he stood taller, with long blond hair pulled back in a high ponytail with bangs covering his left eye. They both wore the Akatsuki's trademark cloaks.

We finally made it to them and stopped. Dad greeted them casually before introducing us, "Deidara, Sasori, this is Raksha. Raksha, this is Deidara," he gestured to the tall blond, "And Sasori." he pointed to the hunched over, covered man.

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