Chapter 12

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Soooo since you all have been so patient and wonderful, I thought you all deserved at least one more chapter so soon. I'll try and maintain a schedule for writing to give you guys more updates, you definitely deserve it! I'm hoping to post another chapter by the end of the week so watch for it! Since you all had to wait so long for an update, I figured I'd give you guys and extra special treat with this chapter ;) let me know what you think, whether you loved or hated it and so on and so forth.  Leave your thoughts in the comments and of course if you liked/loved the chapter, VOTE! Anyways, hope you enjoy!

P.S. It's been years since I've watched Naruto, so I'm going on memory and what I look up, so please, if I get something wrong, bear with me. I'm trying to get as much right as I can while adding my own story with Raksha to the mix. Therefore, somethings will get mixed up or added of course, or some parts may not get as much detail as in the anime. Again, my apologies for any mistakes I may make. Thank you all for your understanding! Without furtherado, on with the show!

~Raksha's POV~

Once we were home, the village's best medical ninja gave Gaara their look over to determine if he was, indeed, ok. He was dead for who knows how long, afterall. Everyone was happy Gaara was alive and well again, but saddness was also accompanied with the happiness.

Lady Chiyo gave her life in exchange for Gaara's. We brought her home, and today we would burry her. I spent the night in Gaara's room with him, it was probably the best sleep I've had in a while. I still woke up every hour, Gobi made sure I never slept through an entire night. Gaara, on the other hand, seemed to sleep through the whole night with ease. It was weird for him, but considering he did die, I thought little of it.

Dressing in a black dress and black sandles, I looked at myself in the mirror. It was odd, I felt so girly wearing an actual dress. But it was for Lady Chiyo. It's because of her sacrifice that I got the love of my life back. And I would do anything to honor her memory. Knocking sounded on the door and I called for whoever it was to come in.

"My Lady, Lord Gaara is waiting for you downstairs. He has some things to attend to for the moment, but said he will be ready to depart as soon as you are." a female voice said from the doorway.

"Please, don't call me Lady. It's just Raksha." I said, turning towards her. She was sitting on her calfs, both knees resting on the floor, hands in her lap and head bowed in respect.

Hesitantly, she looked up at me. It was her, the fan girl from before-Matsuri, I recalled, "You are the Lord Kazekage's betrothed, are you not?"

"Um, that is something yet to be determined, I think. At the moment, I'm just his girlfriend. Tell me, do I look ok to attend a funeral? I don't wish to dishonor Lady Chiyo, I owe her so much."

"We all do." she added, "You look lovely, Raksha. You will not dishonor her, I'm sure."

"Thank you. You're the one who pointed me in the right direction when I first arrived here, right? Thanks, Matsuri."

She seemed surprised I remembered her, "Yes. Um, you're welcome."

"You seem to be a big fan of Gaara's." I hinted.

She blushed, "Oh, uh, yes. Lord Gaara is amazing to me."

"You have a crush on him?"

Her mouth opened in closed, she seemed to be unsure of what to say, "Uh-uh, well, you see, I-"

"You can admit it if so, I understand."

She blushed again, "It's true that I do like Gaara, well, I mean, that I do have a crush on him. Bu-but I'm not the only one in the village who has a crush on him, Lord Gaara is quite popular among the ladies. Uh, just thought you should know." she mumbled.

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