Chapter 2

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*Raksha's POV*

Standing int he doorway, was an older looking Gaara.

He was taller and his eyes didn't show that sadness and anger it once did.

Instead, it showed a contentment in them.

"Woah, Gaara. You've really grown. And not just physically either dude." I noted.

"Raksha." he said, taking a step forward.

I walked towards him slowly, looking around his office,"Wow, so Kazekage, huh? Who woulda thought. Great job."

"You're back." he said, closing the distance between us, but not touching me.

 "Well duh. I told you I would be, just not when."

"Its been 2 years."

"Yeah, I know. Not as long as last time. So what's been going on?"

"You've changed." he stated.

"Just a bit. I'm a lot stronger now, you know. I've learned some new moves and improved my old ones." I said proudly.

"Your eyes, its as if they're glowing. And your so much more paler."

"Oh, yeah. I have no clue about that."

"Your hair's longer as well." he stretched out his hand and stroked my hair, his eyes then traveled up and down my body,"You've grown taller as well, and changed your outfit."

I chuckled,"That's what happens when you grow, you know."

He looked me in the eyes,"You've become such a beautiful young woman, Raksha."

I blushed,"And you've become a handsome young bachelor." I turned and stared out the window again, spotting the girl I talked to earlier,"It seems you now have some admirers."

He came to my side and followed my eyes to the brown haired girl,"You mean Matsuri? She works with Temari usually, guard duty and such."

"It seems she has a bit of a crush on you, wouldn't you say?"

"Don't tell me your jealous, Raksha." he smiled.

I scuffed,"Me? Jealous? If I ever get jealous of a little guard, I'll let you know. Besides, I can just kill whoever stands in my way of what I want."

"And what is it that you want?"

I looked at him, his eyes already on me,"Isn't it obvious? You."

His smile widened and he hugged me. He brought his lips down on mine, and I kissed back. He pulled away a minute later, resting his forehead on mine.

"Does that mean you're ready to be with me?" he asked hopefully, brushing away a loose patch of hair that had fallen in my face.

I gave a sad smile,"I'm torn, you see. I want to be with you. But I can't. Not yet, at least."

He stared into m eyes pleadingly,"Why?"

"I have more stuff going on now. So much crap that, I can't afford to be with anyone right now."

He sighed,"Raksha, we've known eachother for 10 years now. And known that we're in love with eachother for 2. When will we finally be able to be together?"

I heaved a sigh,"Gaara, you're really putting me in a bind here."

"Can't you do all of your stuff and be my girlfriend?"

I smiled,"Girlfriend huh? Now that might be a challenge. And you know how much I love challenges."

He grinned and kissed me again,"So, let me ask officially. Raksha, will you be my girlfriend?"

I've known him my whole life, but will we spend the rest of it together?Where stories live. Discover now