Chapter 10

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Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while, I try to write as much as I can when I have internet, but that's not very often. I'll try to figure something out so that I can update a lot more a lot quicker for you guys! I apologize in advance, I haven't watched Naruto in a LONG time and so, as you can already tell from my previous mistakes, I get messed up on information and whatnot. I know you guys are highly anticipating the scene of actually finding Gaara, and believe me, so am I, so I'm going to speed things along just a little. I'm not exactly sure how long it took after Gaara was captured in the series to when they found him again, so I'm just winging it. Also I'll be switching up some parts so that obviously, Rasha can fit in. Again, I apologize for that. Hope you guys enjoy!

~Raksha's POV~

It's been about 2 days since I faced Itatchi and sent out on my path of trying to find either Guy's or Kakashi's team. So far it hasn't worked very well. I haven't caught anyone's scent. Where could they be damnit?! No new leads, so scents to follow, no nothing!

I was beyond frustrated. 

2 days.

2 FREAKING DAYS! And Gaara's still in their clutches! Where could they have taken him? My frustration was quickly turning into panic and worry.

I stopped as the thought I had been fighting surfaced.

What if he's dead? The thought struck me like lightning, tearing at my heart. Tears sprang to my eyes as the reality of the situation hit me straight on. No! That's-that's not possible! Gaara's strong, he'll hold on! At least, until someone can get to him... He'll fight.... HE'S STILL ALIVE DAMN IT!!!!

Whiping away the tears before they could spill, I held on to the very top of the highest tree I could find, closed my eyes, and concentrated. Taking slow, deep breaths, I let all emotions leave my body, all traces of thought faded away until I was completely aware of everything going on around me. The sounds, the smells, I could imagine everything that was going on in the forest. There was a river off to my right. Something was going on over there. 

Lots of movement, lots of water activity. I took a breath. 5 scents infiltrated my senses, all familiar. I could imagine what was happening now. I had finally located Guy's Team, but they were in trouble, they had run into Kisame.

Opening my eyes, I set off towards the river to help them. Reaching the river, I took in the scene before me. Kisame and Guy were locked in combat, Neji, Ten Ten, and Rock Lee were stuck in one of Kisame's water traps. They were running out of air in the water bubbles they were locked in.

Guy was sweating, Kisame wasn't even winded. I could tell Guy was stressing the most over his pupils. They were quickly running out of oxygen.

Just as I looked over at them, Ten Ten collapsed inside the water bubble. Acting quickly, I manipulated the water. Concentrating on all 3 bubbles at once, I pried the water apart in the middle, exposing at least their heads so they could breath. Kisame's jutsus were very, very strong. 

Ten Ten began taking deep breaths and she soon regained conciousness.

"Raksha!" Rock Lee greeted excitedly,"Think you can get us out of this?" he nodded his head towards the water he was still locked in.

I chuckled,"Working on it, dude." fixing my attention on Ten Ten's bubble, I slowly pried each section of water off of her body. Once I took off the last section, she fell to the shallow river bed underneath her. Then I did the same thing with Rock Lee, and finally Neji.

By now, Guy and Kisame caught on to my presence. Guy kept Kisame as busy as he could, trying to give me an opening.

I took the opportunity and nailed Kisame right in the side with what I like to call my Rock Punch. Pieces of the ground and rocks come up and make a barrier around my hand, then I use the coating as a form of attack. After that one punch, I continued throwing several more, my left hand was coated with rock, and my right was now projecting electricity. 

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